Into The Light – The Whole World Is New

A Whole New World

I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s noticing a whole new spectrum of energies it’s now possible to feel and experience. The last few years has been described as a spiritual rollercoaster or a voyage over choppy seas, and we are finally emerging on the other side of the wild ride and finding our “land legs” once again to enable us to get oriented and get on with our missions in this whole new world of light and love that lies before us.

Does that mean all of your problems will suddenly leave you and you’ll have everything you ever wanted all of a sudden? Probably not. However, the turbulence of the recent years, the constant ups and even more constant downs, the surges of energy followed by times of disconnection, is coming to an end. Better than that, we’re emerging into a new fifth-dimensional earth where all possibilities exist; as we master our own energy, it becomes ever more possible to co-create our ideal reality in our physical life.

So what has actually happened? Putting it simply, the planet has shifted in energies and is taking humanity with it. What was once a third-dimensional earth has ascended incrementally into the fourth and then the fifth dimension, which resonates to unity consciousness, unconditional love and miracle frequency. “Old” energies of the third dimension (for example, dualities such as rich and poor, good and bad) and even the fourth dimension (for example, frequenting the astral plane in our dream-time) are now being purged and phased out of our consciousness so we can be freer than ever to create heaven on earth.

Alongside this, veils of illusion are being lifted from our eyes. We are coming to an ever greater sense of harmony, clarity and peace. People are vibrating at lighter frequencies than ever before, elevating their own souls as well as humanity as a whole. Many more people are awakening to their true soul essence, their mission and purpose, their spiritual lineage and the truth of existence itself. According to many gurus and teachers, many more still will begin to awaken this year. We are stepping onto our spiritual paths and onto a trajectory of our highest, greatest destinies, en masse – and this is brand new. This is magic. This is light. This is love.

None of us know yet exactly what wonders the new world will hold, but I am beginning to feel it, and it’s possible that you are too. I am feeling it as a sense of assurance in the perfection of the Divine plan, a tangible force of unconditional love all around me, an excitement at the possibilities available in the future – mine and the collective future of humanity.

Into The Light

The vision I hold for my ideal reality may not be here yet in physical terms, but I feel it as a tangible energy. Anything we imagine and visualise with unconditional love in our hearts is a very real thing; we are just now starting to see that the physical reality we see in front of us is only one level of existence and is not the only one. We are just now starting to see that glimpses we receive of our future or of inspirations to this project or that piece of spiritual work; visitations from other souls we are connected with, angels, passed-over loved ones, ascended masters, etc; visions we hold unshakeably for our future that are intended for the highest good of all – all of these things are infinitely real! Our vision, like our other faculties, is expanding beyond the confines of third-dimensional reality and is now able to see the spaces in between the blueprint level of existence, when we first think of a thing or an event or a situation and wish it into being, and the physical level of existence when some interpretation of that initial wish comes into eventual manifestation.

We are on the precipice of being able to see that our dreams are far from impossible, even the wildest ones; they are real on some level of existence already, and working their way through from the blueprint to our physical existence. As we continue to grow and expand and master ourselves, holding the vision unfalteringly will begin to speed up this process, too.

At this present moment, you may still perceive obstacles or limitations, or events, people or situations in your life which you feel hold you back. This is a perception, based on the “old” third-dimensional worldview, which we are slowly learning to transcend.

Life Is But A Dream

Actually, for many of us these perceptions, or illusions, are being removed continually. Much goes on when your body is asleep for the night that you may not even experience consciously. If you have been walking the spiritual path for some time, you may have more awareness or conscious recall of your soul’s activities during these hours of rest, when it is free of the “filters” of the third dimension that the body presents. It doesn’t matter if you do or if you don’t. There is much clearing and purging going on for your soul while you are asleep. The reason I know this is because a large group of readings I completed for people – a mixture of spiritually awakened and newly awakening people – recently all brought through this message.

As I have been walking the spiritual path for some time, I possibly have more recall than most. Some of the things that I know are occurring, because they have happened for me, are listed here.

Clearing and cleansing of old baggage or negative energy from the soul: I have had this recently as seeing other souls I am connected to working to remove things from my energy field, followed by vivid past life recalls (alongside a past life recall comes a releasing and a healing of any limiting beliefs acquired in that past life). The purpose of this is to remove fears and limiting beliefs that no longer serve us in our new fifth-dimensional emergent reality. This could present in many different ways if you have recall or glimpses, from being operated on upon a healing bed to visions of you hoovering up all the dust and old energy in your life.

Visitations from angels: I was overwhelmed on opening up this blog for the first time in a number of months by the sheer numbers of people posting about angel dreams. They are not just dreams. Even the way you’re describing them, the quality of the experiences is so vivid they are just like real memories – because they are real memories! They are instances of the angels reaching out to you, to awaken you, to heal you, or to guide you to the next steps in your life. This also seems to be happening with unicorns, mermaids, faeries, ascended masters (Jesus in particular features for many) and other higher beings. Our vibration is elevating so it’s quite natural that we will be able to connect more easily with higher vibrational beings.

Connections with soul family: This includes your soulmates (souls you have incarnated with time and again), people of the same spiritual and soul lineage as yourself (eg if you have a significant past life in Avalon, connecting with other people who also have a significant past life there; or if you are related to Archangel Metatron on a soul level, connecting with other people who are also related to him), and your twin soul or twin flame (the literal other half of your soul). There may even be breakthroughs with those people in terms of problems in or obstacles stopping your relationship or connection with them in physical reality. If the healing of a relationship or a step forward in a relationship occurs in a dream, it is likely to follow in physical reality without you having to do anything further on the physical level. This may also include connecting with celebrities or historical figures who are/were in your soul family and have guidance for you.

Taking part in classes: You may be teaching or learning in a class of other souls, or visiting one of the angelic retreats and receiving lessons direct from the angels there, in the other dimensions. In one recent example, I was teaching and doing cleansing and clearing work with a very large group of divine feminine twin flames; I didn’t even know them all. If you catch glimpses of you doing the teaching, it is likely you are ascending rapidly into fifth-dimensional reality and are doing amazingly well with your soul growth. Consider it an honour that you have enough understanding to be permitted to share your knowledge with other souls.

These are not just dreams. Let me emphasise that. They are not just dreams. Previously, in the old paradigm, most of our dreams occurred in the fourth dimension, or what was known as the astral plane. Our connections to that plane are now being phased out. Instead, in dream-time, our souls are journeying in the fifth dimension and above and soul growth, healing and mastery is occurring. This will either manifest as glimpses of similar themes as those listed above in your dreams, or dreaming less, or less vividly, for a time, while you ‘unplug’ from the fourth dimension dream-space and ‘re-plug’ into the fifth dimension dream-space.

To some extent, it is time to let go of our own self-limiting thoughts and beliefs, because the higher beings – including earth angels taking classes as I was doing in my own dream mentioned above – are schooling us in how to transcend our old perceived limitations, obstacles and impossibilities. Believe me when I say, when things are shifted, removed, released, healed or improved in these fifth dimensional dream states (whether you recall them or not) – this is a very real shift, removal, release, healing or improvement and will manifest rapidly in the physical dimension as a result of it.

The age of miracles is truly upon us, and you are going to begin to witness it with your own (waking) eyes.

The first glimpses are coming now, thick and fast, through our new fifth-dimensional “dreams” – which are no longer really dreams but memories of what your soul does when it is not “filtered” by your physical body – and through the new energies of infinite possibility we feel when we open our hearts enough.

Please contact me at or via my Facebook page at if you have any questions.

Online workshops coming up on 20th March:

A Crash Course On Twin Flames (re-run)

Past Life Healing (Avalon & Atlantis)

£8.50 GBP each ~ Held in secret Facebook groups ~ Course material, meditations, activities, distant healing and mini-reading included in price ~ Contact as above to join ~ All welcome.

Copyright Silverla StMichael 2016




A Crash Course On Twin Flames


A workshop which will be held in a secret Facebook group, from 8th-22nd November 2015, entry £8.50 payable by PayPal.
It is likely that over the last few years you will have heard one of the terms “twin flames”, “divine counterparts”, “soul connections”, “sacred union” or “unity consciousness”, as they have become more widespread than ever before at the current phase of human evolution. If you have heard these terms and been curious about what they mean to you, this workshop may help. Twin flames are pairs of souls currently working energetically to assist with ascension, healing and change the relationship template on earth to one of sacred union: an ideal soul match which will support you in living your highest potential and spiritual purpose. There is a semi-false conception that it is all about romantic love stories through the ages; it would be closer to the truth to say it is about spiritual alchemy and transformation on a scale never seen before in our current lifetimes.

Twin flame is not an easy path to tread for many and presents numerous challenges on the path to union and beyond. The primary concern of most twin flames is spiritual growth and fulfilling their spiritual purpose, because it is interlinked and interwoven with the growth and awakening of many other beings on earth, as twin flames are angelics on a path of service. However, with the energy shifts, sacred union – the ideal soul match mentioned above – is becoming available to all souls who have shifted their frequencies, as the 5th dimensional energies anchor upon the earth plane.

This workshop will:
– Explain the terms related to twin flames and sacred unions
– Help you to consider how the new templates relate to you and what you can do to assist your own soul progression and the evolution of humanity as a whole
– Go through the changes made by the recent energetic shifts and the possibilities for sacred union available in the new paradigm
– Suggest ways of moving forward on your own journey back to oneness, including recommended healing techniques
– Assist you to discover and step into your full spiritual power, which may include details about your soul lineage and purpose and/or your past lives (depending on what you most need at the time).

It will include:
– Guided meditations to connect with your twin flame or divine counterpart and heal soul connections – and other recommended meditations and healing techniques
– An information pack for you to download and keep
– Demonstrations and instructions on healing techniques and methods of tuning in to your own inner and higher guidance
– Daily questions and activities to assist and support your own spiritual growth
– A channelled message for awakening and awakened twin flames and angelic beings from the angelic realm
– A group manifestation wall focused on our dreams and goals identified from a 5D spiritual perspective
– A private mini-reading on the matters discussed in the course.

This workshop cannot reveal to you who your twin flame is: information will be included on how the path will typically unfold and how information and guidance tends to come through to twin flames and other incarnated angelics, to enable you to receive more and more in your ongoing journey. There are certain things that only your heart can know, and will only reveal to you in divine timing. Neither do I have a magic formula to bring about full physical twin flame union in your life, though I have many tried and tested ideas and techniques which will help your progression with your spiritual growth. We are all on our own trajectory, and every journey is unique. Any teacher can only ever share what they have learned to date and what they have found helpful in their own path. I do not believe there IS a magic formula to manifest twin flame union or an ideal sacred union in your life. There are simply steps you can take to clear your own way and bring ever-increasing blessings, opportunities and guidance into your daily reality.

This workshop is aimed primarily at newly awakened twin flames, or newly awakened angelic beings (or those who suspect they may be, or are fascinated by the terms) looking for simple, clear explanations on this aspect of their path and ways of moving forward. However, there are aspects of this workshop which will also be helpful for awakened twin flames not yet in physical union, and awakened angelic beings (incarnated angels and elementals) or lightworkers who would like to learn more about the sacred union template and calling it forth in their own lives.

If  you do not consider yourself to be in a sacred union (ideal soul match) yet, there will likely be value and interest for you in this.

I will be facilitating the course together with other awakened twin flames from my soul family, and we will do our best to answer your questions and help you take the next steps upon your path.
Please PM Spiritual Solace or email to enquire about joining the workshop.

Into The New (Season of Mists and Mighty Transformations)…

As the dust settles…

I’m sure most of you are aware there have been huge and significant energy shifts on our planet over the last two weeks. Some of you will even have been able to feel it, which may have manifested as an increase in telepathy, lucid dreaming, angelic signs, mystical experiences, or as tiredness, fatigue, or a general feeling of being under the weather.

The dust is settling now; the major shifts are for the most part, done, though for many of us assimilating and integrating these energies will happen incrementally, a flowing stream of energy upgrades, vibration lifts and dimension jumps which will be unlocked at the right time for you.

The process is one of incremental movement towards ever higher dimensions. Earth has gone from being a 3rd dimensional planet very much entrenched in material concerns and wealth, to being a 3-4th dimensional planet with more concern for spiritual growth and greater belief and connection with higher beings, to being a 3-5th dimensional planet which will make communication with our own higher selves and with higher beings such as angels and spirit guides far more accessible, and which anchors miracle frequency and faster, sometimes instantaneous, manifestation of dreams and wishes which are in alignment with your soul’s path and purpose and the Divine will.

Whatever stage you are at in your spiritual journey, please know that there are a great many lightworkers on earth, as well as the angels, spirit guides and ascended masters in the higher dimensions, supporting you, sending you love, light and healing, and holding open gates for you to pass into the higher dimensions when it is right for your soul.

Staying in the flowing stream of energy now should see a smoother path, with less obstacles and more blessings. I am not saying there will never be challenges in life while living in 5D reality, but viewing your challenges from a higher perspective you will see them as lessons, opportunities for growth and for inviting miraculous, swift solutions, rather than feeling stuck in victim mode and powerless. You know you have stepped fully into 5D reality when your spiritual life comes first; you make time for prayer, meditation, walks in nature, service to others and spending time with your loved ones and soul family, and you make adjustments in your life to accommodate this, which may be major or minor. You take excellent care of yourself emotionally and physically, too. You remember to ask the angels and higher guides when you have a challenge or dilemma. You remember to count your blessings and enjoy all the good that streams into your life.

If your energy is brought down, it is likely a result of allowing your own vibration to dip back down into 3D reality, which of course, still exists on our earth plane. Think of the higher 4D and 5D (and even higher – it is ever expanding, ever increasing) as overlays, which you can access at will by raising your vibration. It is no longer such a great leap to sidestep into a 4D or 5D timeline. If you find yourself struggling with something, or feeling lost and confused, it will likely feel like interference, like there is so much static, fog or mist you can’t see your way forward, or it may present as a healing crisis, with physical or emotional symptoms. If this happens to you, it may feel like a sharper difference than before. Remember to ask your angels and higher guides for help, or seek out someone you know who is a lightworker or who is good at maintaining a high vibration. You can raise your own vibration through meditation, prayer, listening to music, walking or sitting in nature, creative activities, laughter (watching a funny film for example), spending time with animals or children, or reading inspirational material. It would be advisable to take time to do this before making any major decisions.

There are many different types of lightworkers on the planet, some of whom are very prolific and will post guidance and channelled information on YouTube, Facebook, blogs etc on a regular basis. This is available freely for the most part, though some do private or 1:1 coaching, reading and webinar services as well. However, this is not the extent of the help available to you.

There are also many more lightworkers whose role is more behind the scenes. They may not always post about it, and they may not always explain what they are doing. However with the shifts that have occurred, I feel the time is coming to be more transparent, to explain this more. I am one such of these lightworkers. I realise that sometimes it might seem that I am awfully quiet on the page or there can be a long gap between me posting new information or channellings on my blog. I also realise that during the major part of the energy shifts themselves I was not posting much. It’s important to me, dear ones, that you understand that does not mean I wasn’t sending energy, or I wasn’t doing my part towards the energy shifts, because I most certainly was. At times I was so energetically drained I was brought to my knees. For the most part, there wasn’t time or energy to post about it on my Facebook page or on my blog. And there are hundreds of us out here doing these sorts of roles.

Why post about it now? Well, as the energy swings up and up, more people will begin to come into conscious awareness of the higher planes of existence, the higher possibilities, the ability to communicate with angels, spirit guides or ascended masters, etc. More people who read this page will be able to accept higher dimensional truths and realities that if I had posted previously they may not have understood, resonated with or believed. Secondly, as the first wave of souls march forward and ascend into full 5D reality at this time, the second and third wave of souls destined to do so are rapidly awakening. Many of those of you who have had a chaotic, traumatic or eventful time in recent years number amongst them, because you have literally been rocked and shaken awake by your guides using the shifting energies, to prepare you for your own spiritual destiny. Many of those of you reading these words will hold key positions and energetic roles in the ascension waves to come and you won’t even know it yet. This is why it’s important to start explaining and making more transparent some of the “work” that goes on behind the scenes.

Many of us have vast, varied and complex spiritual lineages going back hundreds of thousands of years; we have incarnated as many different people, some well-known and some not known at all; some of us have even been famous, key figures of legend or prophets of old, and those who have not, have been soul family to those who have and will feel a pull towards certain historical stories, people, legends or eras. There are those who are starseeds or starpeople, whose souls originated from other constellations in the universe. There are those who are incarnated angelics or elementals (faeries, pixies etc) who have done so to raise the frequencies and vibrations on earth, increase awareness and provide a bridge to those realms; literally tear down the veils. There are those who come with templates for change, indigo souls, crystal souls, rainbow warriors, twin flames and divine counterparts who energetically work in pairs, firing up grid-points of energetics around the world and changing the old 3D templates for life purpose, career, finance, relationships and more. There are those sent to earth as ambassadors for particular angels or ascended masters, such as the spiritual warriors of Archangel Michael, here to protect from negative forces and to work towards creating a new earth which no longer supports such negativity. Some people fall into more than one of the above categories. Many of you reading this now will fall into at least one. There may be categories we don’t even know of yet, people poised to unearth their spiritual lineage and destiny who will enlighten us when the knowledge comes to them.

During the energy shifts and for an extended period before, I have done many different types of energy work. In essence, as an incarnated angelic being and twin flame, I am a spiritual warrior, of sorts, if you wish to describe it that way. You can think of it as me holding space for you all; another “label” for one of my primary spiritual purposes is that of a gatekeeper. I have completed a lot of energy clearing work for the collective consciousness of all beings on earth in the recent months, including clearing and activating certain grid-points, perhaps the most well-known and key one for this time being Avalon (located at the current site of Glastonbury, UK). My spiritual lineage is part angelic, part Pleaidean-Sirian, and part of the Avalon soul family being an incarnation of the Lady of the Lake (which others may experience and identify with too because her original soul was split to ensure the success of her spiritual mission). At present I am still working to protect those ascending and many now awakening and preparing for ascension into 5D reality – and learning the full, naked truth of who they are spirituality, finally stepping into their God-given power – from negative forces which are still firmly rooted in 3D reality and wanting to maintain that status quo. I am still working to heal and raise the vibrations of many souls, including our current children, who will grow to be our rainbow warriors of the new approaching golden age. Energetically, I am also guarding and seeing souls through one of the many ascension gates or portals.

How do I know? you may ask…and When am I doing these things? Know, my dear ones, we are multidimensional beings. We have many layers. Our spiritual selves / bodies can be doing work in the 5D while our physical body simultaneously gets on with tasks and chores in the home or upholding a physical job. The reason I know these things are happening is that I see it in dream time. My lucid dreams are getting stronger, more powerful and more prolific and I am beginning to see and remember exactly what I am doing, whereas at some points in the past I have seen snippets and glimpses and even lost fragments of those in the waking, in the retelling. I believe the new clarity and power coming with these lucid dreams is due to the higher vibrations anchored on earth, the fact that 5D experiences are fully part of our earth now for those who have ascended in the first wave. I also believe it is meant to be that way so I can recount and retell and make people aware of what is happening as their 3D conscious selves. I have also seen snippets of what I am doing in meditation, and been given further information via readings from friends. For a long period of time, I have been constantly tired and drained and I now understand it is because for a long time I have been doing such work to prepare for the shifts and the opening of “my” gate, in the 5D with no conscious recollection. Now I am aware of what is happening, I am responding with better self-care, conserving my energy reserves, and therefore my energies are balancing far more than ever before. I feel better, clearer and stronger than I have in a long time as a result. As to how this sort of work is done, all I can say is, the higher self knows how and for the most part completes the work regardless of your physical understanding. However, work can be strengthened, made more conscious and powerful using prayer, intention, meditation and visualisation.

If you are undergoing an initial spiritual awakening now (potential ascension third wave, so I am told by my guides while writing) to higher realities, angels, spirit guides, the reality of miracles, prayer, your eternal soul, etc, you are likely to be feeling such tiredness and fatigue, because your conscious awakening is a direct result of your higher self in the 5D and above beginning preparatory work towards your spiritual destiny. Self-care is the answer; looking after yourself, allowing time for those things your soul longs to do and for rest, as well as eating more healthfully, will bring your energies into balance and allow for the fact that you are doing more in the 5D than you may be aware of. If you are undergoing a raising of vibration or an awakening to higher levels of spirituality or more conscious awareness of these miraculous-sounding realities and possibilities unfolding around you now (potential ascension second wave or ‘unawakened’ first wave, I am told) – so you are just beginning to understand and accept the magnitude of your own power and your spiritual lineage, or beginning to see how you are co-creating and manifesting your own reality, or you are making contact with angels, higher guides or ascended masters, or your own spiritual gifts such as channelling, psychic gifts or mediumship are strengthening – again, you are likely to be doing a lot of work on the astral plane when your physical body is asleep, whether you remember it or not – and if you are not accounting for this with self-care and rest, the result is likely to be that you are feeling very uncomfortable with your life or experiencing ridiculous amounts of challenge in your life. Surrender yourself to the Divine will and allow for these incredible, miraculous changes you are making – because every one of us has our own unique contribution to make – in the higher dimensions by ensuring you are well rested and relaxed in the physical reality. The more you do this, the better you will feel.

There is no need to fear or worry that you do not know enough or you are not doing what you should be. As explained, there is a part of you that lives continuously in the higher dimensions – certainly the 5th dimension and probably above too for many of you – your higher self, which is permanently connected to the Divine and understanding the part of the Divine plan it is soul contracted to complete. You are perfectly where you should be right now, and what you need to know of your unique mission will be revealed to you when the time is right. There are missions out there to assist in ascension, to assist with the healing of earth, to assist with the removal of negativity, to bring in the sacred union template, to bring in higher dimensional templates, to open energetic gateways and pathways, to maintain the grid of light around earth, to assist with communication with angels and higher beings, and many more. Follow your heart, your intuition, your interests and your passions and you will not be steered wrong. At this time, many more people will be experiencing lucid dreams, astral projections, spontaneous magic and miracles, and answered prayers. Journalling it will help you see these new patterns and new realities emerging in your life, and will pull the threads together of the glimpses and fragments of information and visions you receive to form an overall picture. If you are experiencing tests and challenges more so than you feel is “normal” on this journey through earthly life, it is likely because you are busier than you think you are in 5D, you are not yet as integrated as you one day will be with your 5D self when you will be able to see and understand this, and you are not allowing for it in terms of rest and self-care.

Your souls are strong, beautiful, magnificent and free. They choose to serve the Divine plan – they have signed up for this before birth. All of you reading these words are likely more powerful than you think, and it is a journey that spirals ever deeper inward, that reveals this to you. Ask for your journey to be revealed to you at this most powerful and illuminating time. Ask for support, signs, clues and guidance from your angels and spirit guides. If you are struggling and in need of help, reach out to people you can see are centred in their spirituality or lightworkers you know and explain what you need, see what they can offer, which sometimes may be 3D and practical help, other times may be energetic. My comments, Facebook page ( and email ( are always open to you, bright ones. Connect together with members of your own soul family for support; those people you meet and feel you have known forever. Many soul families are being guided together at this time by the higher guides through the medium of internet in particular, as are many twin flames and divine counterparts (souls uniquely matching in energy signature and vibration).

To assist at this time, I will be offering two learning experiences this November and December for anyone who feels drawn to join them. In particular, if you feel you are indeed awakening or accelerating in your spiritual path at this time and moving towards higher dimensional reality, it is you I am guided to help and who these learning experiences will be focused upon. I will post the details of these shortly in separate posts and link them here, but one will be focused on learning about twin flames and the new template for sacred union here on earth, and the other will be focused on working with angels within the frame of the new 5D reality.

Many blessings to each and every one of you reading. I hope this strikes a chord with you and I hope you are all progressing through the shifts of the present day with joy and grace. Much love to you all, Silverla. Xxx.


(Fun Community Event)
In a closed Facebook group – 25th-31st October 2015

Price £6.00 GBP (approx 8.25 Eur, $9.50 US, $12.50 Can, $13.00 Aus, $14.50 NZ though currency conversions fluctuate)
~ Pay via website (PayPal cart)…
~ Or PM me for a PayPal invoice
~ Or (UK only) PM me for details to post a cheque

For your entry ticket you will get:
~ Guaranteed Magical Spell Oracle mini-reading
~ Guaranteed Universal Love Oracle mini-reading
~ Guaranteed “Pendulum Pointers” mini-reading
~ Guaranteed daily oracle messages
~ Posts and pointers on unusual divination methods
~ Entry into a Divination giveaway featuring the Archangel Oracle deck by Doreen Virtue, crystals and other divination tools

You will also be able to participate in:
~ The Dragon Pinata prize game
~ Fairy & Pixie Hallowe’en Wishing Well
~ Spooky prize games
~ Hallowe’en Creations Contest – share your Hallowe’en food, costumes and decorations for the chance to win a private Angelic Guidance Reading (usual price £15.00)

Creepy stories, photos, song shares and avatars more than welcome to add to the haunting atmosphere!

A Crash Course On Twin Flames (November Workshop) – details on separate page:

A Crash Course On Twin Flames

New Possibilities With The Angels (December Webinar) – details on separate page:

New Possibilities With The Angels


The Power in Imperfection

This may not be the longest post, but for me it represents one of the most profound shifts in thinking I have experienced.

I have been through a long journey in this lifetime alone, learning about love, as we all are. Learning how to love myself was an epic one for me, lasting years in my current incarnation, and spanning more lifetimes than just this one. I now believe I have tipped the balance with that particular lesson – I am not perfect at loving myself, but I have achieved a certain level of mastery and there is room now for the next lesson. The next lesson appears to be allowing myself to receive the love of others.

The bridging point between the two, at least in my experience, seems to be in the power of imperfection.

In this life I have been a perfectionist as far back as I can remember. I did not like to do anything in front of people that I wasn’t especially good at. Even performing in front of an audience brings out involuntary nerves, hot flushes and palpitations, despite the fact that I can sing reasonably well and play passable rhythm guitar if I have rehearsed enough. Although I have always had a love of writing and was quite prolific in my poetry as a teenager, I developed writer’s block that went on for many years simply because my writing was not perfect, according to my own judgement.

For this reason I have always viewed myself in quite a judgemental way, believing that I was not pretty enough, special enough, talented enough, for my dreams to come true. Seeing myself as second best or worse, every single time, in every single situation. Being hard on myself turned into a neverending rat run of trying to pack my days with as much “productive” activity as I could cram in, from study, to developing my channelling and reading skills, to forcing myself to write rather than just writing from the heart, to going over and above in every job I’ve ever worked but leaving little time and energy for myself, to cramming my children’s days with endless so-called educational experiences in an effort to prove to myself that I’m an ok mum.

Over-productive is counter-productive, of course. Over-active is tantamount to counter-intuitive. I see now that in booking up all of my time with “productive” activities, I blocked the manifestation of my true heart’s desires, because I depleted myself repeatedly of the cosmic energy that is my birthright, that could have been otherwise streamed into meditation, visualisation, and taking steps towards my ultimate dreams of being a writer, a spiritual teacher, and achieving an ideal love relationship in my life. No wonder those dreams always felt just that little bit out of reach. For as long as I was in that cycle, they always were.

The cosmic energy that we all generate when we are at rest and relaxed, that we all pull in from the universe with every breath, is of course love. Love is creative, catalystic and magical. When harnessed and released in force, it writes scripts for miracles. When scattered around too many industrious activities, its effect is still worthwhile, and yet diminished; it can never manifest as its fullest potential.

I have learned that it is ok to do the things that are in my heart to do, even if I am scared to do them sometimes. It is ok to reach out to people I feel drawn to – I am beginning to find there is usually a back-story at soul level, and mostly they do not think I am mad, just awakened. It is ok to write what is in my heart without knowing exactly what words will come – in fact, this is the natural way to write, with pure, raw, vulnerable emotion…with love dripping irresistably from every word. It is ok to do things I love to do, such as singing or playing my guitar, and not be perfect, but just in the process of learning and reconnecting to it, and doing it for the joy of doing it. It is ok to say no to work sometimes in order to do relaxing activities I enjoy, such as playing with my kids in the garden, reading for pleasure, or going for a walk.

I am not perfect for a reason. I am not perfect because I am human, and in being human, I knew on a soul level I would always be a work in progress, I would always be on a learning journey, and every step is beautiful, every step leads to soul growth, every step benefits all of humanity.

In my imperfection lies my power. In my rawness lies my authenticity. In my vulnerability lies my strength. In being the real me and knowing I am not second best, but a beloved child of God just like everybody else, and a beautiful and magnificent soul with a unique song to sing to the world, lies my purity. In being right here, right now, in the present moment, I am giving my love to the universe, to every other being, and to you.

Whatever you feel drawn to do, whoever you feel drawn to talk to, and wherever you feel drawn to go, follow the urges of your heart, knowing that it doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s safe to be who you are, exactly as you are right now. In fact, the evolution of humanity depends on it.


Copyright  © Silverla StMichael 2015

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Riding The Waves…

When I was younger, one of my favourite TV shows was Red Dwarf. My favourite episode of this series was one called Dimension Jump, in which the character Rimmer gets to explore an alternative dimension and meet an altogether more magnificent version of himself. I never thought when I was glued to that episode repeatedly that I would ever get to explore other dimensions in my lifetime – it was all a bit sci-fi. As it turned out, I had the wrong idea about dimensions.

The shift in energies between dimensions can be subtle. Dimensions are not destinations for which you need any kind of space-age equipment to transport or teleport yourself, either – they are simply different states of consciousness, and we slip between them as easily as we slip between sleep and waking, and as awakening humans we have been doing so for some time.

For most of us walking the earth plane today, throughout our adolescence and young adulthood, our planet was – in Red Dwarf speak – in stasis; held in a third dimensional reality in which duality is king. Good and evil, light and dark, male and female, love and hate. Much of our programming growing up on the earth plane would have fed these illusions in our consciousness. So much of the imbalance in energies on earth in recent years could be attributed to the polarities made manifest by absolute belief in these dualities, these paradoxical pairings. It was a necessary stage earth had to go through in its spiritual evolution, and times they are finally a-changin’.

Those who are awakening, awakened, or fully conscious at this time – spiritual seekers and masters, lightworkers, healers, indigo and crystal souls, starseeds, earth angels, twin flames, and other subdivisions of those on a path to the new paradigm – will already be aware of the shifts that are occurring now. In dimensional speak, the earth has entered the fourth dimension, where the veil is thinner between ourselves and the realms of spirit, angels, ascended masters, guides and elementals, bringing us a greater connection with the guidance, goodness and glory of the Divine. It’s a time of transition, because the journey is towards the fifth dimension – the state of unity consciousness where the illusion of duality can no longer be true. The dimension in which we forever unite our higher self with our earthly body and become walking angelic avatars of light.

For those who can feel the fluctuations of these energies as the earth plane balances and rebalances, it’s like being on a voyage on the ocean, suspended in space and time. There are great waves at times, which can feel blissful and ecstatic or threatening and dangerous or, at times, both. Even when it’s smooth sailing, we move in and out of the fifth dimension sometimes without noticing the entry and exit points, so we are having experiences of great expansion, feeling love for all beings, the planet and the cosmos, feeling at one with everything and at peace in our hearts, and then wondering why the next day we feel even more separated from the Divine, from peace, from love than we did before. Having glimpsed the beauty of the fifth dimension, the fourth and the third-dimensional belief system still lurking behind it as the reality of some seem an even more cruel, scary and limited place than ever before.

We are not, however, at the mercy of the cosmic weather, or indeed of the sea serpents lurking deep below the crests of the waves. We are just in a state of learning. Learning how to stay in the fifth dimension, how to anchor its unlimited unconditional unified Love in our hearts unwaveringly, how to see the greater picture that our heart as a species, as a creation, as a living and breathing super-organism, beats as one. It’s not a different place, remember. It’s an etheric side-step from one state of consciousness to another. The places we see will generally look the same but feel different, until we learn to stay in this dimension all the times.

I, too, am still learning. The last few months I have been a wave-rider too, and I salute you and bless you, my fellow voyagers, from the deepest place in my heart. I wanted to share with you some of the things I have found anchor me more permanently in the fifth dimension, in the hope that your seas may feel a little calmer for it.

1. Meditation – I am no great guru. I have always found meditation challenging. Until winter solstice 2014, I actively avoided it and made every excuse on the planet to justify not meditating. Necessity has been the mother of invention and I have found that even I can meditate reasonably well if I use a guided meditation which gives me something to listen to and something to visualise. There are many freely available on YouTube. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and it doesn’t have to be for long – but that act of consciously choosing to align with your higher self and higher consciousness, even for ten minutes a day, raises your vibration and helps to clear any negative or limiting beliefs, templates, thought forms or patterns which may still be holding you partially in the lower dimensions. I am such a convert I even run a meditation club now for the youngsters I teach!

2. Music – Music has always been a great love of mine, and I have definitely come home to music in a big way recently. I have had my guitar out once or twice for the first time since before my children were born, I have been compiling uplifting playlists, rediscovering and enjoying all over again old favourites, and listening to Solfeggio and binaural beats music on YouTube which emit healing frequencies. I often play these in the background to other things because I am finding in the fifth dimension multi-tasking really is possible – there are no limits! I can be processing and emanating healing energy while I simultaneously write, meditate or catch up with friends.

Faery at Gypsy Wood Park, Caernarfon, Wales

Faery at Gypsy Wood Park, Caernarfon, Wales

3. Nature – Spending time in nature has always been an activity I have advocated in my guidance readings for people, and never has it been more important. Nature is full of the wonder of creation. It connects you to your inner child and it brings you into contact with the most amazing healing vibrations from plants, trees, bodies of water, the elemental kingdom of faeries and their friends, the angelic realm, and the Divine. It soothes the soul to walk barefoot on the grass, read under a tree on a warm day, walk by the ocean or discover the joy of natural beauty. The sunlight and the fresh air charge and rejuvenate your physical cells. Your heart is opened to the magic of life.

4. Conscious choice – Using a daily practice to intend that you remain at the highest possible frequency can be especially important if you are busy with work, family or projects. I am beginning to find the simpler the better, and it could be as simple as you making a statement such as: “I consciously choose the fifth dimension” or “I stay in my highest consciousness no matter what” or “Today I raise my consciousness higher than ever before.” You could also make a daily practice of asking your angels and guides for help to stay centred, stay in your higher self and continue to unfold your Divine mission and raise the consciousness of all – no matter what you are doing that day. One that I like to use is “Thank you Angels for showing me how I may best be of service today.” When you choose service, your Divine mission and purpose, fifth dimensional consciousness, or the highest possible consciousness for you, you are anchoring yourself in the higher dimensions.

Seven Archangels by Silverla StMichael, 2013

Seven Archangels by Silverla StMichael, 2013

5. Creativity – Now is the time more than ever before for you to bring your unique gift, talent or message to the world. We all have banks of creativity within, because we are all tapped into the universal thought-stream and constantly in communication with the Divine via our higher selves – whether we know it or not. This is where inspiration comes from. What are you inspired to do, make, create, say or be? How can you take a step towards it today? Whether that is writing, painting, sculpting, making music, singing, leading a group, creating a website, starting a new business or project, crafting, baking, photography or participating in sport. Do something that taps into your creativity – the part of you where Divine inspiration strikes – daily and you will begin to bring forth your unique blessings into the world.

6. Be the love – Fifth dimensional consciousness is all about the love. Love of a true, pure, unconditional nature, not reserved for one other person but for all, and that includes yourself. Express love more frequently than ever before. Tell people you love them, write them that you love them, explain what they mean to you – in words, poems, songs, without words, as surprise gifts or random acts of kindness. Spend time with your children, put spare time to good use by volunteering, call your family, reach out to people who have touched your life but never been told thank you. Give your time and abundance away to charities in need, whether you fund-raise, donate items for them to sell or donate money. Love strangers – which is sometimes as simple as listening to someone who just needs to be listened to or smiling at someone who looks sad or alone. And love yourself. Over and above all others – because the more you top up your own love tank, the more you have to give. Pamper yourself. Rest. Relax. Take the gentlest, kindest option to yourself at all times. That is of key importance. You are going through vibrational changes at an alarming rate right now. No matter what you do with your day, you need rest and relaxation.

Love is all you need!

Love is all you need!

7. Bless – There’s a quote I see persistently on Facebook these days: “Your greatest test is when you are able to bless someone else while you are going through your own storm.” This has never been more true. Many people are sailing in stormy waters at this time, but the ability to keep blessing others marks you out as a light in the darkness. More importantly, blessing others raises your vibration, because it draws upon and unleashes the cosmic love lying dormant in your heart. Blessing can be done through words – written (for many years I have ended most of my writings, notes and letters with “Angel blessings”); spoken (“Bless your heart!”); or simply thought of (“I bless you now for the highest good of all, and so it is!”). It can also be done through pictures – you can visualise sending light to a specific person, group of people, situation, area or the whole planet. Pink light works particularly well for love, harmony or healing conflicts. White lights works well for healing. Gold light works well for protection or invoking angelic help. If in doubt, throw in a whole rainbow.

It’s important to understand that just as shifts between the dimensions can be subtle and hardly felt at all until you realise your mood has swayed and you’re no longer in the happy, peaceful state of contented bliss you were in yesterday, so the effects of using any or all of these anchors are incremental. It may take a few days for you to see any difference in how you feel overall and how the synchronicities flow in your life. My initial hope is that they will help to keep your energy more constant, rather than experiencing extreme ups and downs. As you keep including these anchors in your everyday practice, I promise you, it snowballs. You will begin to feel excited about things, in love with life, anticipating the next miracle, blissful, relaxed and happy to tackle whatever comes up more and more, the more you consciously step into the fifth dimension. Lucky signs, finds, synchronicities, messages, opportunities, invitations and events will come up more frequently too, as the fifth dimension is a place of magic and instant manifestations.

Remember to ask your angels and guides for signs, guidance and help when you need it. You may even want to do this on a daily basis as part of your practice – I had my knuckles rapped a few days ago when my energy crashed and I asked mine for help – I was asked why on earth I wasn’t checking in and asking for it every day so that it wouldn’t crash in the first place! Signs frequently come, at this time, as master numbers, particularly 555 which is the fifth dimension activation (scroll down for more meanings in the DAD222 post), repeated messages or words which you may see on signs, flyers, TV, or in books, or dreams and experiences in meditation.

Now is the time to lay the foundations. Now is the time to steer your course towards uniting your higher self and your physical body, and uniting your unique individual expression with the rest of the world. Now is the time to align with fifth dimensional consciousness (and the Ace Rimmer inside of you) – the state of being of universal love. It will be worth it.

*I also recommend looking up the videos of Matt Kahn on YouTube’s True Divine Nature channel for more on charting your course on this unprecedented journey.*

~*~ Copyright © Silverla StMichael 2015 ~*~

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*Next event: Goddess Power Party 13th-20th June and Becoming The Goddess Within  Workshop 22nd-29th June*

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Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters are souls who have undertaken incarnations on earth, learning their lessons and evolving and growing as we do, and have now ascended into the higher dimensions permanently, guiding those on earth from above.

You can call upon them for help with specific matters, or general guidance. Sometimes, they may also call you, in dreams or through a string of synchronistic coincidences, especially if you have a strong spiritual mission to fulfil in this incarnation.

The Ascended Masters include some souls we know as saints, deities and spiritual leaders from a variety of different faiths. Whereas the Angels and Archangels are in service helping us with all our life dilemmas and concerns, the Ascended Masters are more focused on helping us grow as souls, spiritually.

Some of the well-known Ascended Masters include Jesus (known also as Sananda), Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, St Teresa of Avila, St Germain (believed also to have incarnated as Merlin), St Francis of Assisi, Lord Metatron, Lord Melchizadek, Padre Pio, Hilarion, Kuan Yin, Serapis Bey, Gautama Buddha, Maitreya, Zoroaster, Ganesha, Ra, Thoth and Hathor. You do not have to be religious to work with the Ascended Masters. They will act as guide to anyone who is open to their guidance.

If you are drawn to stained glass windows, they often depict the Ascended Masters and Archangels associated with Christian traditions. Keep listening and looking, because they can call to us in a great variety of ways.

Chapel at Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire, showing Jesus and some of the Saints

Chapel at Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire, showing Jesus and some of the Saints

I am interested in Ascended Masters now because I feel very drawn to, and in many ways a calling to, Jesus, at present – and not for the first time. There have been several points in my life at which I have dreamed about Jesus, and having had a Christian upbringing I was very drawn to stories about him as a child. Though I have explored the Pagan path, it is this calling that repeatedly brings me back to confusion over my faith path – though this time I would call it curiosity rather than confusion, and perhaps an acquiescence that it is ok to count myself as interfaith, on my own spiritual path.

This is part of the reason I slowed up on this blog, because I feel my energy withdrawing from magick somewhat, though I believe that was a powerful and important experience and lesson in my path.

I have since also worked with El Morya, the Ascended Master who is the Chohan – keeper – of the Blue Ray of Divine Will, a guide who often works with leaders and those in power on earth, and tries to steer those who will listen away from fear and towards love.

I’m sure there will be more to come on the Ascended Masters soon – eventually I may have enough knowledge and experience to include them in the Labyrinth of Lessons.

Do any of you feel a pull or calling towards one of the Ascended Masters? Have any of you had an Ascended Master experience?

~*~ Copyright Silverla StMichael 2013 ~*~