DAD 222 and Other Signs!

I am going to try and get in the discipline of writing at least one new post or page per week, and this week has not disappointed in terms of inspiration for a post this weekend.

I talk a lot about speaking to your angels and guides to request help with specific areas of your life; I also talk a lot about watching for the ‘signs’ they give you afterwards which act as guiding lights to nudge you the next small step forward on your path. It’s the same principle with prayer; after praying, the answers from the Universe, Source or God – however you call the supreme LOVE energy of All-That-Is – come in similar subtle ways, which humans in their third dimensional consciousness are not always geared up to notice or receive. I have had many people come to me over the years and say their angels, or God, have not listened to their prayers and requests, when this is not the case. Some requests take some time to process, and signs are sent in the meantime. A case in point happened this weekend which can help me illustrate this.

So much is coming through and happening for me, spiritually speaking, at the moment. This has been the case since the reported energy shifts of Winter Solstice 2014 – very rapid acceleration for me and a number of friends who have, like me, been on a spiritual path for a long time and are now operating more at fourth and fifth dimensional levels in their ability to notice, see, hear, know and feel new ideas, knowledge and truth. I have particularly received a lot of information regarding my soul connections, past lives and nudges towards healing and cleansing, balancing and clearing, then more healing and cleansing. As are many spiritual folk at this time, I am stripping away layers and layers of old templates, patterning, and beliefs which no longer serve me. It is a somewhat rocky road, though I am grateful to be negotiating it, as I know it is for my highest good and for the highest good of all souls who are connected with me. Nevertheless, I need support, reassurance and the odd thumbs-up from someone, somewhere, to make the road that little bit smoother…as we all do, whatever shape and form our current path is taking.

Thursday was the 22nd of the month, which is usually a high power date for me. One or two interesting and blissful things occurred in meditation for me that night, though I was really expecting something a little more concrete in terms of a sign from the Universe and some guidance for my path going ahead that I knew I was still missing, from recent readings and intuitions by myself and some of those people I call my soul sisters. One thing I have been struggling with is being clear about my path, because clarity is a vibration I feel has not been present in my life for some time. My struggle here is that I was raised Christian and feel a strong affinity with Christ still (in fact I do work with Christ as an Ascended Master), yet I am pulled repeatedly to the Pagan path, the path of reverence for nature, magic, awe, wonder and personal responsibility. Hence, for a number of years, I have thought of myself as Interfaith and this is how I have labelled myself and all the spiritual work I have done.

I had a trip out yesterday to a wonderful place I love to go. It is called Bygone Times and is something of a second-hand emporium of treasures. I have found unusual toys and out-of-print books for my children there, as well as many spiritual tools and books, including crystals. I also simply love its energy. The mill building it sits inside is reputed to be haunted, though the energy there is calm and loving; I am not fearful of it at all, even in the darkest and chilliest corners. I feel the veil is thin there, so it’s somewhat easier to connect in with my spiritual guidance and have a dialogue with my guides in my mind whilst I am there. If anyone in the North-West England region would like to visit, it’s in Eccleston in Chorley and has a website so you can easily find directions. In any case, on this occasion I had just fancied going for awhile, and opportunity arose this weekend childcare-wise. I didn’t have a shopping list in mind, but I felt it was going to be a good day, and I felt there was a purpose to going. I had been drawn to an amethyst diffuser there on my previous visit and, since I had had a lot of expense at the time I decided not to buy it, to wait and see if it was still there the next time and think about acquiring it then.

The first sign came on the way – I took a wrong turn, which I had never done before and this led me to a yard where numerous vehicles were parked. The one directly in front of me as I did a three-point turn to right myself read, DAD 222. Now my Dad passed over to spirit in 2010, and from time to time he has sent me signs to show he still watches over me and guides me. One of the common ones is the tune I chose for his funeral, Pachelbel’s Canon in D. For me, this was a clear and blatant sign from him. I had been looking for guidance, and he was showing me that he was going to guide me to an answer on that particular day. 222 is one of the master numbers – I happen to see them a lot, as do many people, and the 222 is the most common one for me, which also links to self-love and the heart chakra, soulmates and twin flames, the paradox of duality and unity consciousness. In case you, too, see master numbers (which you can see in double, triple or quadrupal digits, on clocks, registration numbers, receipt or ticket numbers, and many other places), here is a brief list of their meanings as I discern them to be at this time. This is not exhaustive and other websites may tell you different meanings, so think about what resonates for you.

Basic Master Number Listing

11, 111 or 11:11 – The Gates of Metatron. Ascension and spiritual growth. DNA activation code for spiritual awakening. A nudge towards unity consciousness. A nudge towards working with angels. A good omen.

22, 222 or 22:22 – Opening, healing, balancing of the heart chakra and higher heart chakra. A nudge towards self-love and self-care. The path of love, soul connections, important nudges on the path regarding soulmates and twin flames. Resolving the paradox of duality and unity consciousness.

33 or 333 – Grounding, earthing, balancing. Anchored in third dimensional reality. A call to earth healing.

44 or 444 – Fourth dimensional activation. The opening of higher chakras. An angel number and a sign that your abilities to tune in and listen to your angels and guides are strengthening. A sign that answers are coming to you in your dreams.

55 or 555 – Fifth dimensional activation. Development of the ‘clairs’ – clairvoyance (sight), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (feeling), claircognizance (knowing), clairalience (smelling), and development of other gifts and talents such as mediumship, channelling and psychic ablities. A connection with spirit or a sign from a loved one in spirit.

66 or 666 – NOT an ‘evil’ number. I see this as a healing number, a number of completion of cycles and balance. Balance as in that between light and dark or love and fear. Awareness that we need both the dark and the light to become whole; we need both love and fear to learn and grow as souls. Conquering fear and moving more into a state of love. Magick afoot.

77 or 777 – The number of the seventh dimension or ‘seventh heaven’ where angels naturally reside. Going higher spiritually – reaching a pinnacle you have never yet reached in terms of spiritual understanding. A major achievement in life. A spiritual thumbs-up. Great luck, fortune and serendipity – a sign to look out for snowballing synchronicities and coincidences.

88 or 888 – A number of abundance, flow, financial luck, prosperity. This is also linked to the infinity symbol. A reminder that our soul never dies and that love is forever. A nudge to look into past lives and the ‘wider’ life of the soul, including its source. Better times are coming.

99 or 999 (or 911) – Again, NOT a bad omen, as I once thought it was earlier in my path due to its association with the emergency services. It CAN indicate a major happening in life, which could be positive OR negative – remember in fact every experience has both, because every experience is a learning and growth experience. It is also an ascension signal, a sign that the soul is close to finding full balance, truth, harmony and peace.

In recent years, the ‘mixed’ master numbers have also started appearing to people on a spiritual path; these include 10:10, 12:12, 21:21, 22:20, 22:02, 22:12, and other variants. These are signs of multidimensional activations up to and including the twelfth chakra and the twelve dimensions. They are often signs to look out for the signs, or that your prayers are being heard, or that your endeavours towards spiritual growth are going well; encouragement from those in the higher realms. They are likely to have specific meanings as individual numbers, which I am still puzzling out from my own experience.

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Now after that little aside, back to my story. So, as I walked around this place, the first thing I did was asked to handle the amethyst diffuser. An amazing peace emanated from it. I already had a rose quartz diffuser and a clear quartz diffuser, acquired some years ago and gifts from my parents when Dad was still alive. This diffuser feels like it completes the set; it feels like a key, or a missing piece. I knew this was mine and I had to claim it. (I will post more about diffusers and their use another time for anyone who’s interested.)


In the afternoon, the spiritual energies rose up a notch. Song lyrics were the main thing, absolutely packed full of messages about reuniting, unity, unconditional love in general: this won’t make sense to you but they are confirmation to me that I’m on the right path. I also kept seeing the word LOVE and the word DREAM and related quotes. This in itself is not unusual; there is a lot of artwork for the home and quite a lot of spiritual and esoteric items packed into the place. I discovered a new stall which was not there on my previous visit, which sold a lot of magical and spiritual items, many of them quite Pagan-specific altar pieces. A beautiful angel statue with gold-glittered wings holding a heart against her heart drew me straight away; even though I had not been planning on collecting a basketful of items, I was grateful that abundance is with me at this time in my life and I could pick her up and take her home. It felt like she was just waiting there for me.


I was also drawn to a number of Anne Stokes artwork items and in particular a journal with a faery picture. I have been extremely drawn to faeries of late without knowing why. One of my soul sisters, who has been helping me figure out my next step, has been talking to me about my path and about keeping a book of shadows or similar. Now I have done this before, in the past, but have not put anything in it for a number of years, because as I previously explained I could never reconcile my deep affinity with Christ with my more Pagan-based beliefs and rituals. Being drawn to this journal seemed like a sign to start a new one. Then I realised: I am being guided to set up a new altar; I am collecting altar pieces.

Like other practices, keeping a spiritual altar is something that I have let go to some extent since having my daughter. There has not seemed to be enough space in the house somehow and while I have kept all my spiritual tools, crystals, oracle cards and the like safe and cared for them, they have been kept in a few places randomly around the bedrooms, and not concentrated in one area. Now keeping a spiritual altar, I feel, is quite important if you have a daily practice. Many people like to do their daily spiritual practice, be it prayer, devotion, meditation, rituals, or spells, in a set place which is concentrated with spiritual energy. In our house, fitting everything in at present can be a bit of a jigsaw puzzle, and I haven’t always been able to do that, because I have often had altars in the smallest of the upstairs rooms where there isn’t a lot of room to set things out, have a computer or CD player set up, and so on. However, it is still important, because that altar is an anchor, a grounding tool. It grounds the spiritual energy which is emanated through that daily practice, and the transmitting tools, in particular crystals, laid out on it, also send out the energy very clearly and powerfully to those people or places or the earth itself, which you intend it for. I have been doing a new daily practice since Christmas time, which I will discuss in detail another time, without having had an altar to anchor, store, transmit and amplify the energies. As a result, I have had burnout – I have literally ‘crashed and burned’ – several times, and even been physically ill while trying to process healing energies.

By way of confirmation, straight after I had that sudden intuition that I was there to gather the final few missing pieces for my new and wonderful altar, I noticed a flurry of items bearing the word Dad or Daddy. A spiritual enthusiastic nod from my father in spirit. Yes, you got it! That’s what I want you to do. I also very much saw the items as gifts, from those who guide me in the spiritual dimensions; yes, I paid for them, but they had already been chosen for me; they had been placed directly in my path for me to discover. A little later, I also found a deck of oracle cards I had never before really thought about acquiring; intrigued by all the signs and synchronicities of the day, I pulled a few cards for myself and the same messages were coming out: Heart chakra, Healing, Listen, Reward yourself, Time of change, Love. I hadn’t meant to buy these cards, but it felt right to do so.

Even after I got home, it transpired that on one of my busiest nights of the week in the world of mummy-hood, there was time for me to experiment, play and set up my altar. It was meant for me; it was there to anchor and transmit energies generated in my spiritual practice; missing pieces had been found; it is set up almost as a soul key for growth, both of myself and of others with a soul connection to me. It is set up for miracles. And furthermore, it has acted as confirmation that some of those Pagan practices I was doing once before were right for me; that it is ok to mix my metaphors, so to speak, and resonate with parts of Christianity as well as follow my Pagan heart. And this all came about because of the signs – song lyrics, repeating words, words drawn on oracle cards, master numbers, inner guidance, spotting items I am drawn to – and the fact that I was alert to them, so I noticed them and I listened.

There are other forms of signs, too – feathers; ‘pennies from heaven’; smells, images or items which remind us of a particular person in the physical or on the spirit side of life; names; messages that stick in mind or that resonate deeply from TV, films, books; repeated messages or timely messages seen on the internet and social media; hunches, intuitions; dreams; timely advice from other people. If it is true Divine guidance, it will be positive, it will resonate in your heart (it feels like your heart is filled with love, warmth, joy, bliss or peace and you will be cheering or saying YES most emphatically in your mind), and if you miss it the first time, it will come again. And again. And again. Until you’ve got it, or until the message changes.

Whatever your current question is, keep it in your heart each morning. Pray to God, Source, Universe – whichever you feel comfortable with – or ask your angels, guides, or loved ones in spirit – and ask them to show you signs and guidance, to help in whatever way is best for your highest good with that particular question. You need to specifically ask for help with each individual question or concern – this is the only way they may intervene, due to the laws of free will. And then be alert, be watchful, be mindful, be observant. Try not to dash around at the usual pace of modern day living. Take things slow and really notice things around you. Then you will see the signs, and you will know you are being listened to, you are being answered, you are being guided, you are being assisted, and YOU ARE LOVED. Every one of us matter; all of our journeys are important; every time one of us moves forward on our path, we all grow and reach higher spiritually; because WE ARE ALL ONE.

Angel blessings, love and light, dear ones. For daily inspirations and to participate in a welcoming, spiritual and interfaith community please do come and see us at the Spiritual Solace Facebook page. If you would like to book a reading with me, please visit my website at or email me at

Have a great week filled with love, blessings, miracles and the answers your seek. Silverla StMichael.

~ Copyright Silverla StMichael 2015 ~