A Crash Course On Twin Flames

A Crash Course On Twin Flames
A workshop by Silverla StMichael, which will be held in a secret Facebook group, from 8th-22nd November 2015, entry £8.50 payable by PayPal.

It is likely that over the last few years you will have heard one of the terms “twin flames”, “divine counterparts”, “soul connections”, “sacred union” or “unity consciousness”, as they have become more widespread than ever before at the current phase of human evolution. If you have heard these terms and been curious about what they mean to you, this workshop may help. Twin flames are pairs of souls currently working energetically to assist with ascension, healing and change the relationship template on earth to one of sacred union: an ideal soul match which will support you in living your highest potential and spiritual purpose. There is a semi-false conception that it is all about romantic love stories through the ages; it would be closer to the truth to say it is about spiritual alchemy and transformation on a scale never seen before in our current lifetimes.

Twin flame is not an easy path to tread for many and presents numerous challenges on the path to union and beyond. The primary concern of most twin flames is spiritual growth and fulfilling their spiritual purpose, because it is interlinked and interwoven with the growth and awakening of many other beings on earth, as twin flames are angelics on a path of service. However, with the energy shifts, sacred union – the ideal soul match mentioned above – is becoming available to all souls who have shifted their frequencies, as the 5th dimensional energies anchor upon the earth plane.

This workshop will:
– Explain the terms related to twin flames and sacred unions
– Help you to consider how the new templates relate to you and what you can do to assist your own soul progression and the evolution of humanity as a whole
– Go through the changes made by the recent energetic shifts and the possibilities for sacred union available in the new paradigm
– Suggest ways of moving forward on your own journey back to oneness, including recommended healing techniques
– Assist you to discover and step into your full spiritual power, which may include details about your soul lineage and purpose and/or your past lives (depending on what you most need at the time).

It will include:
– Guided meditations to connect with your twin flame or divine counterpart and heal soul connections – and other recommended meditations and healing techniques
– An information pack for you to download and keep
– Demonstrations and instructions on healing techniques and methods of tuning in to your own inner and higher guidance
– Daily questions and activities to assist and support your own spiritual growth
– A channelled message for awakening and awakened twin flames and angelic beings from the angelic realm
– A group manifestation wall focused on our dreams and goals identified from a 5D spiritual perspective
– A private mini-reading on the matters discussed in the course.

This workshop cannot reveal to you who your twin flame is: information will be included on how the path will typically unfold and how information and guidance tends to come through to twin flames and other incarnated angelics, to enable you to receive more and more in your ongoing journey. There are certain things that only your heart can know, and will only reveal to you in divine timing. Neither do I have a magic formula to bring about full physical twin flame union in your life, though I have many tried and tested ideas and techniques which will help your progression with your spiritual growth. We are all on our own trajectory, and every journey is unique. Any teacher can only ever share what they have learned to date and what they have found helpful in their own path. I do not believe there IS a magic formula to manifest twin flame union or an ideal sacred union in your life. There are simply steps you can take to clear your own way and bring ever-increasing blessings, opportunities and guidance into your daily reality.

This workshop is aimed primarily at newly awakened twin flames, or newly awakened angelic beings (or those who suspect they may be, or are fascinated by the terms) looking for simple, clear explanations on this aspect of their path and ways of moving forward. However, there are aspects of this workshop which will also be helpful for awakened twin flames not yet in physical union, and awakened angelic beings (incarnated angels and elementals) or lightworkers who would like to learn more about the sacred union template and calling it forth in their own lives.

If the attached video resonates with you and you do not consider yourself to be in a sacred union (ideal soul match) yet, there will likely be value and interest for you in this.

I will be facilitating the course together with other awakened twin flames from my soul family, and we will do our best to answer your questions and help you take the next steps upon your path.

Please PM Spiritual Solace or email spiritualsolace22@gmail.com to enquire about joining the workshop.