Riding The Waves…

When I was younger, one of my favourite TV shows was Red Dwarf. My favourite episode of this series was one called Dimension Jump, in which the character Rimmer gets to explore an alternative dimension and meet an altogether more magnificent version of himself. I never thought when I was glued to that episode repeatedly that I would ever get to explore other dimensions in my lifetime – it was all a bit sci-fi. As it turned out, I had the wrong idea about dimensions.

The shift in energies between dimensions can be subtle. Dimensions are not destinations for which you need any kind of space-age equipment to transport or teleport yourself, either – they are simply different states of consciousness, and we slip between them as easily as we slip between sleep and waking, and as awakening humans we have been doing so for some time.

For most of us walking the earth plane today, throughout our adolescence and young adulthood, our planet was – in Red Dwarf speak – in stasis; held in a third dimensional reality in which duality is king. Good and evil, light and dark, male and female, love and hate. Much of our programming growing up on the earth plane would have fed these illusions in our consciousness. So much of the imbalance in energies on earth in recent years could be attributed to the polarities made manifest by absolute belief in these dualities, these paradoxical pairings. It was a necessary stage earth had to go through in its spiritual evolution, and times they are finally a-changin’.

Those who are awakening, awakened, or fully conscious at this time – spiritual seekers and masters, lightworkers, healers, indigo and crystal souls, starseeds, earth angels, twin flames, and other subdivisions of those on a path to the new paradigm – will already be aware of the shifts that are occurring now. In dimensional speak, the earth has entered the fourth dimension, where the veil is thinner between ourselves and the realms of spirit, angels, ascended masters, guides and elementals, bringing us a greater connection with the guidance, goodness and glory of the Divine. It’s a time of transition, because the journey is towards the fifth dimension – the state of unity consciousness where the illusion of duality can no longer be true. The dimension in which we forever unite our higher self with our earthly body and become walking angelic avatars of light.

For those who can feel the fluctuations of these energies as the earth plane balances and rebalances, it’s like being on a voyage on the ocean, suspended in space and time. There are great waves at times, which can feel blissful and ecstatic or threatening and dangerous or, at times, both. Even when it’s smooth sailing, we move in and out of the fifth dimension sometimes without noticing the entry and exit points, so we are having experiences of great expansion, feeling love for all beings, the planet and the cosmos, feeling at one with everything and at peace in our hearts, and then wondering why the next day we feel even more separated from the Divine, from peace, from love than we did before. Having glimpsed the beauty of the fifth dimension, the fourth and the third-dimensional belief system still lurking behind it as the reality of some seem an even more cruel, scary and limited place than ever before.

We are not, however, at the mercy of the cosmic weather, or indeed of the sea serpents lurking deep below the crests of the waves. We are just in a state of learning. Learning how to stay in the fifth dimension, how to anchor its unlimited unconditional unified Love in our hearts unwaveringly, how to see the greater picture that our heart as a species, as a creation, as a living and breathing super-organism, beats as one. It’s not a different place, remember. It’s an etheric side-step from one state of consciousness to another. The places we see will generally look the same but feel different, until we learn to stay in this dimension all the times.

I, too, am still learning. The last few months I have been a wave-rider too, and I salute you and bless you, my fellow voyagers, from the deepest place in my heart. I wanted to share with you some of the things I have found anchor me more permanently in the fifth dimension, in the hope that your seas may feel a little calmer for it.

1. Meditation – I am no great guru. I have always found meditation challenging. Until winter solstice 2014, I actively avoided it and made every excuse on the planet to justify not meditating. Necessity has been the mother of invention and I have found that even I can meditate reasonably well if I use a guided meditation which gives me something to listen to and something to visualise. There are many freely available on YouTube. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and it doesn’t have to be for long – but that act of consciously choosing to align with your higher self and higher consciousness, even for ten minutes a day, raises your vibration and helps to clear any negative or limiting beliefs, templates, thought forms or patterns which may still be holding you partially in the lower dimensions. I am such a convert I even run a meditation club now for the youngsters I teach!

2. Music – Music has always been a great love of mine, and I have definitely come home to music in a big way recently. I have had my guitar out once or twice for the first time since before my children were born, I have been compiling uplifting playlists, rediscovering and enjoying all over again old favourites, and listening to Solfeggio and binaural beats music on YouTube which emit healing frequencies. I often play these in the background to other things because I am finding in the fifth dimension multi-tasking really is possible – there are no limits! I can be processing and emanating healing energy while I simultaneously write, meditate or catch up with friends.

Faery at Gypsy Wood Park, Caernarfon, Wales

Faery at Gypsy Wood Park, Caernarfon, Wales

3. Nature – Spending time in nature has always been an activity I have advocated in my guidance readings for people, and never has it been more important. Nature is full of the wonder of creation. It connects you to your inner child and it brings you into contact with the most amazing healing vibrations from plants, trees, bodies of water, the elemental kingdom of faeries and their friends, the angelic realm, and the Divine. It soothes the soul to walk barefoot on the grass, read under a tree on a warm day, walk by the ocean or discover the joy of natural beauty. The sunlight and the fresh air charge and rejuvenate your physical cells. Your heart is opened to the magic of life.

4. Conscious choice – Using a daily practice to intend that you remain at the highest possible frequency can be especially important if you are busy with work, family or projects. I am beginning to find the simpler the better, and it could be as simple as you making a statement such as: “I consciously choose the fifth dimension” or “I stay in my highest consciousness no matter what” or “Today I raise my consciousness higher than ever before.” You could also make a daily practice of asking your angels and guides for help to stay centred, stay in your higher self and continue to unfold your Divine mission and raise the consciousness of all – no matter what you are doing that day. One that I like to use is “Thank you Angels for showing me how I may best be of service today.” When you choose service, your Divine mission and purpose, fifth dimensional consciousness, or the highest possible consciousness for you, you are anchoring yourself in the higher dimensions.

Seven Archangels by Silverla StMichael, 2013

Seven Archangels by Silverla StMichael, 2013

5. Creativity – Now is the time more than ever before for you to bring your unique gift, talent or message to the world. We all have banks of creativity within, because we are all tapped into the universal thought-stream and constantly in communication with the Divine via our higher selves – whether we know it or not. This is where inspiration comes from. What are you inspired to do, make, create, say or be? How can you take a step towards it today? Whether that is writing, painting, sculpting, making music, singing, leading a group, creating a website, starting a new business or project, crafting, baking, photography or participating in sport. Do something that taps into your creativity – the part of you where Divine inspiration strikes – daily and you will begin to bring forth your unique blessings into the world.

6. Be the love – Fifth dimensional consciousness is all about the love. Love of a true, pure, unconditional nature, not reserved for one other person but for all, and that includes yourself. Express love more frequently than ever before. Tell people you love them, write them that you love them, explain what they mean to you – in words, poems, songs, without words, as surprise gifts or random acts of kindness. Spend time with your children, put spare time to good use by volunteering, call your family, reach out to people who have touched your life but never been told thank you. Give your time and abundance away to charities in need, whether you fund-raise, donate items for them to sell or donate money. Love strangers – which is sometimes as simple as listening to someone who just needs to be listened to or smiling at someone who looks sad or alone. And love yourself. Over and above all others – because the more you top up your own love tank, the more you have to give. Pamper yourself. Rest. Relax. Take the gentlest, kindest option to yourself at all times. That is of key importance. You are going through vibrational changes at an alarming rate right now. No matter what you do with your day, you need rest and relaxation.

Love is all you need!

Love is all you need!

7. Bless – There’s a quote I see persistently on Facebook these days: “Your greatest test is when you are able to bless someone else while you are going through your own storm.” This has never been more true. Many people are sailing in stormy waters at this time, but the ability to keep blessing others marks you out as a light in the darkness. More importantly, blessing others raises your vibration, because it draws upon and unleashes the cosmic love lying dormant in your heart. Blessing can be done through words – written (for many years I have ended most of my writings, notes and letters with “Angel blessings”); spoken (“Bless your heart!”); or simply thought of (“I bless you now for the highest good of all, and so it is!”). It can also be done through pictures – you can visualise sending light to a specific person, group of people, situation, area or the whole planet. Pink light works particularly well for love, harmony or healing conflicts. White lights works well for healing. Gold light works well for protection or invoking angelic help. If in doubt, throw in a whole rainbow.

It’s important to understand that just as shifts between the dimensions can be subtle and hardly felt at all until you realise your mood has swayed and you’re no longer in the happy, peaceful state of contented bliss you were in yesterday, so the effects of using any or all of these anchors are incremental. It may take a few days for you to see any difference in how you feel overall and how the synchronicities flow in your life. My initial hope is that they will help to keep your energy more constant, rather than experiencing extreme ups and downs. As you keep including these anchors in your everyday practice, I promise you, it snowballs. You will begin to feel excited about things, in love with life, anticipating the next miracle, blissful, relaxed and happy to tackle whatever comes up more and more, the more you consciously step into the fifth dimension. Lucky signs, finds, synchronicities, messages, opportunities, invitations and events will come up more frequently too, as the fifth dimension is a place of magic and instant manifestations.

Remember to ask your angels and guides for signs, guidance and help when you need it. You may even want to do this on a daily basis as part of your practice – I had my knuckles rapped a few days ago when my energy crashed and I asked mine for help – I was asked why on earth I wasn’t checking in and asking for it every day so that it wouldn’t crash in the first place! Signs frequently come, at this time, as master numbers, particularly 555 which is the fifth dimension activation (scroll down for more meanings in the DAD222 post), repeated messages or words which you may see on signs, flyers, TV, or in books, or dreams and experiences in meditation.

Now is the time to lay the foundations. Now is the time to steer your course towards uniting your higher self and your physical body, and uniting your unique individual expression with the rest of the world. Now is the time to align with fifth dimensional consciousness (and the Ace Rimmer inside of you) – the state of being of universal love. It will be worth it.

*I also recommend looking up the videos of Matt Kahn on YouTube’s True Divine Nature channel for more on charting your course on this unprecedented journey.*

~*~ Copyright © Silverla StMichael 2015 ~*~

Facebook community for events and workshops: http://www.facebook.com/spiritualsolace

*Next event: Goddess Power Party 13th-20th June and Becoming The Goddess Within  Workshop 22nd-29th June*

Email me at spiritualsolace22@gmail.com to ask questions, enquire about readings or 1:1 spiritual coaching.

Website for information on readings and services: http://spiritualsolace.webeden.co.uk