Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters are souls who have undertaken incarnations on earth, learning their lessons and evolving and growing as we do, and have now ascended into the higher dimensions permanently, guiding those on earth from above.

You can call upon them for help with specific matters, or general guidance. Sometimes, they may also call you, in dreams or through a string of synchronistic coincidences, especially if you have a strong spiritual mission to fulfil in this incarnation.

The Ascended Masters include some souls we know as saints, deities and spiritual leaders from a variety of different faiths. Whereas the Angels and Archangels are in service helping us with all our life dilemmas and concerns, the Ascended Masters are more focused on helping us grow as souls, spiritually.

Some of the well-known Ascended Masters include Jesus (known also as Sananda), Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, St Teresa of Avila, St Germain (believed also to have incarnated as Merlin), St Francis of Assisi, Lord Metatron, Lord Melchizadek, Padre Pio, Hilarion, Kuan Yin, Serapis Bey, Gautama Buddha, Maitreya, Zoroaster, Ganesha, Ra, Thoth and Hathor. You do not have to be religious to work with the Ascended Masters. They will act as guide to anyone who is open to their guidance.

If you are drawn to stained glass windows, they often depict the Ascended Masters and Archangels associated with Christian traditions. Keep listening and looking, because they can call to us in a great variety of ways.

Chapel at Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire, showing Jesus and some of the Saints

Chapel at Little Moreton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire, showing Jesus and some of the Saints

I am interested in Ascended Masters now because I feel very drawn to, and in many ways a calling to, Jesus, at present – and not for the first time. There have been several points in my life at which I have dreamed about Jesus, and having had a Christian upbringing I was very drawn to stories about him as a child. Though I have explored the Pagan path, it is this calling that repeatedly brings me back to confusion over my faith path – though this time I would call it curiosity rather than confusion, and perhaps an acquiescence that it is ok to count myself as interfaith, on my own spiritual path.

This is part of the reason I slowed up on this blog, because I feel my energy withdrawing from magick somewhat, though I believe that was a powerful and important experience and lesson in my path.

I have since also worked with El Morya, the Ascended Master who is the Chohan – keeper – of the Blue Ray of Divine Will, a guide who often works with leaders and those in power on earth, and tries to steer those who will listen away from fear and towards love.

I’m sure there will be more to come on the Ascended Masters soon – eventually I may have enough knowledge and experience to include them in the Labyrinth of Lessons.

Do any of you feel a pull or calling towards one of the Ascended Masters? Have any of you had an Ascended Master experience?

~*~ Copyright Silverla StMichael 2013 ~*~