Into The Light – The Whole World Is New

A Whole New World

I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s noticing a whole new spectrum of energies it’s now possible to feel and experience. The last few years has been described as a spiritual rollercoaster or a voyage over choppy seas, and we are finally emerging on the other side of the wild ride and finding our “land legs” once again to enable us to get oriented and get on with our missions in this whole new world of light and love that lies before us.

Does that mean all of your problems will suddenly leave you and you’ll have everything you ever wanted all of a sudden? Probably not. However, the turbulence of the recent years, the constant ups and even more constant downs, the surges of energy followed by times of disconnection, is coming to an end. Better than that, we’re emerging into a new fifth-dimensional earth where all possibilities exist; as we master our own energy, it becomes ever more possible to co-create our ideal reality in our physical life.

So what has actually happened? Putting it simply, the planet has shifted in energies and is taking humanity with it. What was once a third-dimensional earth has ascended incrementally into the fourth and then the fifth dimension, which resonates to unity consciousness, unconditional love and miracle frequency. “Old” energies of the third dimension (for example, dualities such as rich and poor, good and bad) and even the fourth dimension (for example, frequenting the astral plane in our dream-time) are now being purged and phased out of our consciousness so we can be freer than ever to create heaven on earth.

Alongside this, veils of illusion are being lifted from our eyes. We are coming to an ever greater sense of harmony, clarity and peace. People are vibrating at lighter frequencies than ever before, elevating their own souls as well as humanity as a whole. Many more people are awakening to their true soul essence, their mission and purpose, their spiritual lineage and the truth of existence itself. According to many gurus and teachers, many more still will begin to awaken this year. We are stepping onto our spiritual paths and onto a trajectory of our highest, greatest destinies, en masse – and this is brand new. This is magic. This is light. This is love.

None of us know yet exactly what wonders the new world will hold, but I am beginning to feel it, and it’s possible that you are too. I am feeling it as a sense of assurance in the perfection of the Divine plan, a tangible force of unconditional love all around me, an excitement at the possibilities available in the future – mine and the collective future of humanity.

Into The Light

The vision I hold for my ideal reality may not be here yet in physical terms, but I feel it as a tangible energy. Anything we imagine and visualise with unconditional love in our hearts is a very real thing; we are just now starting to see that the physical reality we see in front of us is only one level of existence and is not the only one. We are just now starting to see that glimpses we receive of our future or of inspirations to this project or that piece of spiritual work; visitations from other souls we are connected with, angels, passed-over loved ones, ascended masters, etc; visions we hold unshakeably for our future that are intended for the highest good of all – all of these things are infinitely real! Our vision, like our other faculties, is expanding beyond the confines of third-dimensional reality and is now able to see the spaces in between the blueprint level of existence, when we first think of a thing or an event or a situation and wish it into being, and the physical level of existence when some interpretation of that initial wish comes into eventual manifestation.

We are on the precipice of being able to see that our dreams are far from impossible, even the wildest ones; they are real on some level of existence already, and working their way through from the blueprint to our physical existence. As we continue to grow and expand and master ourselves, holding the vision unfalteringly will begin to speed up this process, too.

At this present moment, you may still perceive obstacles or limitations, or events, people or situations in your life which you feel hold you back. This is a perception, based on the “old” third-dimensional worldview, which we are slowly learning to transcend.

Life Is But A Dream

Actually, for many of us these perceptions, or illusions, are being removed continually. Much goes on when your body is asleep for the night that you may not even experience consciously. If you have been walking the spiritual path for some time, you may have more awareness or conscious recall of your soul’s activities during these hours of rest, when it is free of the “filters” of the third dimension that the body presents. It doesn’t matter if you do or if you don’t. There is much clearing and purging going on for your soul while you are asleep. The reason I know this is because a large group of readings I completed for people – a mixture of spiritually awakened and newly awakening people – recently all brought through this message.

As I have been walking the spiritual path for some time, I possibly have more recall than most. Some of the things that I know are occurring, because they have happened for me, are listed here.

Clearing and cleansing of old baggage or negative energy from the soul: I have had this recently as seeing other souls I am connected to working to remove things from my energy field, followed by vivid past life recalls (alongside a past life recall comes a releasing and a healing of any limiting beliefs acquired in that past life). The purpose of this is to remove fears and limiting beliefs that no longer serve us in our new fifth-dimensional emergent reality. This could present in many different ways if you have recall or glimpses, from being operated on upon a healing bed to visions of you hoovering up all the dust and old energy in your life.

Visitations from angels: I was overwhelmed on opening up this blog for the first time in a number of months by the sheer numbers of people posting about angel dreams. They are not just dreams. Even the way you’re describing them, the quality of the experiences is so vivid they are just like real memories – because they are real memories! They are instances of the angels reaching out to you, to awaken you, to heal you, or to guide you to the next steps in your life. This also seems to be happening with unicorns, mermaids, faeries, ascended masters (Jesus in particular features for many) and other higher beings. Our vibration is elevating so it’s quite natural that we will be able to connect more easily with higher vibrational beings.

Connections with soul family: This includes your soulmates (souls you have incarnated with time and again), people of the same spiritual and soul lineage as yourself (eg if you have a significant past life in Avalon, connecting with other people who also have a significant past life there; or if you are related to Archangel Metatron on a soul level, connecting with other people who are also related to him), and your twin soul or twin flame (the literal other half of your soul). There may even be breakthroughs with those people in terms of problems in or obstacles stopping your relationship or connection with them in physical reality. If the healing of a relationship or a step forward in a relationship occurs in a dream, it is likely to follow in physical reality without you having to do anything further on the physical level. This may also include connecting with celebrities or historical figures who are/were in your soul family and have guidance for you.

Taking part in classes: You may be teaching or learning in a class of other souls, or visiting one of the angelic retreats and receiving lessons direct from the angels there, in the other dimensions. In one recent example, I was teaching and doing cleansing and clearing work with a very large group of divine feminine twin flames; I didn’t even know them all. If you catch glimpses of you doing the teaching, it is likely you are ascending rapidly into fifth-dimensional reality and are doing amazingly well with your soul growth. Consider it an honour that you have enough understanding to be permitted to share your knowledge with other souls.

These are not just dreams. Let me emphasise that. They are not just dreams. Previously, in the old paradigm, most of our dreams occurred in the fourth dimension, or what was known as the astral plane. Our connections to that plane are now being phased out. Instead, in dream-time, our souls are journeying in the fifth dimension and above and soul growth, healing and mastery is occurring. This will either manifest as glimpses of similar themes as those listed above in your dreams, or dreaming less, or less vividly, for a time, while you ‘unplug’ from the fourth dimension dream-space and ‘re-plug’ into the fifth dimension dream-space.

To some extent, it is time to let go of our own self-limiting thoughts and beliefs, because the higher beings – including earth angels taking classes as I was doing in my own dream mentioned above – are schooling us in how to transcend our old perceived limitations, obstacles and impossibilities. Believe me when I say, when things are shifted, removed, released, healed or improved in these fifth dimensional dream states (whether you recall them or not) – this is a very real shift, removal, release, healing or improvement and will manifest rapidly in the physical dimension as a result of it.

The age of miracles is truly upon us, and you are going to begin to witness it with your own (waking) eyes.

The first glimpses are coming now, thick and fast, through our new fifth-dimensional “dreams” – which are no longer really dreams but memories of what your soul does when it is not “filtered” by your physical body – and through the new energies of infinite possibility we feel when we open our hearts enough.

Please contact me at or via my Facebook page at if you have any questions.

Online workshops coming up on 20th March:

A Crash Course On Twin Flames (re-run)

Past Life Healing (Avalon & Atlantis)

£8.50 GBP each ~ Held in secret Facebook groups ~ Course material, meditations, activities, distant healing and mini-reading included in price ~ Contact as above to join ~ All welcome.

Copyright Silverla StMichael 2016




Synchronicity, Serendipity and Energetic Shifts

A truly amazing and very unexpected experience manifested last night, and I feel guided to share it, but I was unsure where to place it, as it ties in with several aspects of my spiritual path, some of which I usually include in the pages sections. However, I think the main message for others here is about trust, faith, healing, and how to follow synchronicities to the next step on the path; therefore, I am sharing it as a regular post and hoping it will reach those it is meant to resonate with.

For the last week or so, very little has happened on my spiritual path. I am no stranger to plateaus – sometimes they can go on for months, even years. Still, because so much has happened for me recently, the lack of forward movement made me feel a little flat.

I am currently reading Angel Prayers by Kyle Gray which is a wonderful book, very pleasant to read and easy to understand, yet showing the subtle difference in the ways prayer can be worded. The main idea is to word the prayers positively, and as if you are giving thanks for what has already happened, rather than placing your desired manifestations in the future, which can, conversely, just attract more waiting for a desired future. I thoroughly recommend this book for anyone, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey. Kyle Gray has a unique talent in reaching a great number of souls all with one fell swoop, I feel, and if you have been drawn to read this blog entry today then it may be as relevant for you as it currently is for me.

The book inspired me to say a number of positive prayers of that nature, including asking for a miracle to help me return fully to peace and joy in my heart; and to write in my new spiritual journal / Book of Shadows about my intentions for a daily practice first thing in the morning, also involving using positively worded prayer and starting the day with gratitude, too. It also drew my attention to an archangel who has only recently come into the human/angel sphere of interaction, Archangel Orion, as I had drawn his card out of Kyle’s corresponding Angel Prayers oracle deck on the previous day. I felt drawn to working with this magical archangel.

Most evenings, I spend some time listening to music, watching spiritual information on YouTube, and perhaps doing a guided meditation or two. Last night I had chosen to listen to a little series of spiritual information videos about energy shifts occurring and how to anchor and harmonise them in the human body. While doing this, I closed my eyes, and it became almost a meditative experience, though I had not particularly intended this. This was when Archangel Orion came in – it was first an awareness, then a feeling, then an image of an angel’s face and shoulders, his face half turned into the shadow and half into the light, creating mysterious patterns and symbols in his energy field. This is a very similar look to the oracle card, too. He didn’t speak exactly, because archangels tend to convey ideas telepathically. But the answer came, somehow, “I am your miracle.”

This was followed by him touching my heart and the top of my crown chakra, which I felt as a physical sensation. There was then a popping or bursting open sensation which was very sudden, in the area around the back of and above my crown chakra. I am not sure if another chakra was being activated, cleared or healed. With this I saw two superimposed golden rings which had multi-coloured little lights laced periodically through them. I have heard of a chakra within the twelve-chakra system near the base of the skull and I wondered if it was to do with that, but I still don’t know for sure.


I realised I hadn’t heard half of the information, but I didn’t think it mattered – I felt my prayer had been answered by this angelic healing and presence. I didn’t realise, though, straight away, that it had caused a huge internal shift. An internal, or astral, or telepathic conversation began to unfold in my head – however you wish to label it – with the spirit of my twin flame. I began to doubt that there was anything to it, telling myself it was just my imagination. Discernment is, after all, important. The conversation continued to unfold regardless. The responses just “came”. It was all about trust and further awakenings, forward movement on the path; I am not going to share the exact details. I was still browsing Facebook and YouTube at the time, and I saw a series of master numbers that seemed significant – 222, 555, 2225, then 2252, then 2522. (Master numbers, or angel numbers, can appear on clocks, posts, receipts, video/audio counters, etc). That very specific pattern was significant, I am sure. Not only are master numbers activation codes, they are synchronistic signs as well. The 222, for me, is all about soul connections, universal love and the twin flame reunion; the 555 is all about fifth dimensional healing, awareness and connection with the angelic. I still felt the presence of Archangel Orion too.

You would think this was enough in terms of signs of shifts and movements and serendipity and miracles and healing…but shortly after I saw the final number in the sequence, the 2522 (I did not see 5222, but I am interested to see if it manifests after the fact as a sort of ‘full stop’), I began to feel incredibly hot. I am talking about blazing and sudden heat, felt first at the crown chakra and coming down through my whole system, flooding my being. I could not carry on with what I was doing, and I had to stop and take deep breaths; my heart raced. When I surrendered myself to the fire within, it seemed to pass. This was not something medical – I was not ill, I was conscious the whole time, I was very aware that it was more of a spiritual experience, and yet it took me quite by surprise. Talking to a friend in the aftermath, who also has psychic abilities, she felt it was a “download” from this archangel. Well, we shall certainly see, in the days and weeks to come. I have had “downloads” of information from the angelic realm before, in other forms, often seeing what I call fire letters, blazed into the roof or the wall or the ether of the room I am in when the experience comes. The information then comes through in channelled chunks in the months to follow. Rather than fire letters exterior to me, this time, the fire came straight into my soul. I am definitely interested to see what intuitions, knowledge, claircognizance and developments come next. I am not sure Archangel Orion is quite done with me yet, either.


In the process of working through a lot of cleansing and clearing of old templates at the moment, I had rambling dreams following the experience that may have been even more flushing out of old self-limiting beliefs and patterns. I long for lucidity to come back to my dreams, but last night I was simply exhausted and glad to find I slept like a log.

I wanted to share this from a number of angles, really. I hope if you were drawn to read this, you are inspired and have enjoyed reading about the experience in itself. I also hope you “get” the morals or the lessons behind it. Firstly, that miracles can come in a variety of ways. I am not sure what I was expecting when I asked for a healing miracle. However, I am very happy with the result, though it really caught me off guard! Secondly, that when we pray with an open mind, an open heart and positive wording and intentions, synchronicity does unfold. Thirdly, that synchronicity is a series of events…it snowballs. This is the confirmation that you are indeed being sent signs or given experiences by the universe for your highest good; the confirmation that it is real, though it may be experienced primarily in the etheric and astral realms. Physical coincidences such as the drawing of an oracle card or the presentation of master numbers usually come in repetitions of at least three, and confirm that the metaphysical, meditative experience they are accompanying are true, real and very significant. Finally, the angels are swift. When we ask for their help, it comes and it comes fast, whether we are prepared for it or not. Remember, too, that they see from a higher perspective – no matter what our conscious brains are thinking and creating, they can see if there are other possibilities, even better outcomes, or ways of answering our prayer that we hadn’t even conceived of. It’s the same with wishes, intentions and cosmic orders, too – calling in our angel guides really elevates the process and the outcome can even exceed our expectation.

Why not try it today? Chances are, if you’ve been drawn to read this post, there is meaning in it for you, too. That’s what serendipity is all about! Chancing upon the information or inspiration you need in any particular moment. In fact, it could even be the case that for some of you out there reading this, this is actually your answer, reply or solution to a prayer or wish already made.

Try saying a positive prayer about something you truly wish to manifest for you right now. Make sure it’s a positive intention that won’t affect anyone else adversely, and doesn’t compromise another person’s free will. So, for example, if you wish for a financial boost, remember the universe is abundant, there is plenty for everyone, and you will not be taking away from anyone else in asking for help with your cash flow. As another example, if you wish for a new relationship, try not to name a specific person, but ask for a wonderful and loving relationship that is for your highest good. If you are not sure what to ask for, do what I did and simply ask for a miracle, but tie it in to a feeling – for example, a miracle that will fill my heart with love, joy, bliss, abundance, courage, strength, happiness, peace, harmony, or any other positive quality you desire. Word it as if it has already happened, for example: “Thank you, Angels, for bringing me my miracle, which fills my heart now with peace and joy.” Then, trust that the angels and the universe are working on it, and let go. Don’t be surprised when something completely unexpected, but related to your intention, happens, either later that day or in a short space of time – but remember, intend to be open to an answer in whatever form it takes, and remember that you may not even have thought of that possible answer yet. Angels truly do work in mysterious ways.

~ Copyright Silverla StMichael 2015 ~

I am available for a variety of channelled readings if you are drawn to work with me further. Details are available on my website:

Please feel welcome to join my spiritual community. We hold community events with freebies, giveaways, games, contests and all sorts of spiritual fun at Easter/Ostara, Beltane/Midsummer, Samhain/Harvest and Yule/Christmas. Information about online spiritual workshops is also posted here:

Images chosen from Pixabay for their resonance.

It’s not the end of the world

As 21.12.12 approaches, I am aware that some people are in fear, trepidation or uncertainty about what lies ahead. As I’m sure most readers will know, 21.12.12 is the end of a phase in the ancient Mayan calendar, and some would have us believe the end of the world itself. Reputable mystics from all over the planet do not agree, and by all accounts, information I have received myself from the Archangelic kingdom indicates that it is an end, but also a beginning, as are all ends. It is not the apocalypse. It is a point in time of a great energy shift, which may leave some chaos in its wake, but which will also bring a new spiritual dawn.

Look for the evidence of this around you. 2011 was the year of twin flames. Many people will have experienced finding, securing their relationship with, marrying, connecting, or channelling their twin flame – depending on whether they are destined to be with them in this incarnation. 2012 has been the year of chaos – the eye of the storm. Many people I know have experienced ongoing struggles, losses, problems, dilemmas, disharmonies and confusions in their lives – in their career, their family life, their relationships and not least with their health. Blazes of glory followed by the darkest of days, an emotional rollercoaster which may have been hard to bear but which will have been resolving your karma and speeding up your spiritual evolution.

We have now reached the point in time where the storm will rage, but those that weather it will see the beautiful rainbow at the dawn of a new spiritual age…eventually. Don’t expect events of either catastrophic or euphoric magnitude on 21.12.12. Do expect to find a moment of stillness, a moment of pure power, when you will have a knowing that something has changed inside. Do expect your heart to go out to everyone and anyone in need. Do expect things to get easier, step by step and day by day, from December 22nd onwards. Do expect the veil to be thinner, for more to have faith, for more to embrace the spiritual side of life rather than the material, for more people to know their angels and discard their fear of death, which in turn is a transition, not an ending. You can see it happening now, with people having to be more frugal due to the economic situation they have looked to other aspects of life for fulfilment.

In short, the things that don’t matter really will cease to matter, one magnificent human soul at a time.

Lightworkers, it’s your time to shine. Find time to pray for the world with your own words from your own heart-song, find time to meditate and visualise you shining your light out to all from the mountaintops. Those aspiring to spiritual growth, pray for help with this, ask the angels for help, let the universe know what you need. Those in fear, ask Archangel Michael for protection and Archangel Ariel for courage, turn to your family for solace and comfort and love and you will know the miracle of grace and gratitude on this most auspicious of days.

If you do nothing else, make a wish on what is essentially the most powerful winter solstice we have ever known, and light a candle in the darkness. Every point of light makes a bridge on which angels may tread.

Welcome to the time of transformation. Welcome to the age of miracles. Welcome to your brave new world.

~ Copyright Silverla StMichael, with Archangel Michael, 20.12.12 ~

The following Hopi Indian message was written in 1970, but about this very point in time. As soon as I saw it in a magazine, I knew I had to share it with as many people as possible.

“You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour. Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour. And there are the things to be considered:

Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in the right relationship? Where is your water?

Know your garden. It is time to speak your truth.

Create your community. Be good to each other and do not look outside yourself for the leader. This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open and our heads above the water. See who is in there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word “struggle” from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.”

Lightworker’s Prayer For A New Spiritual Dawn

I was given this prayer by Archangel Sandalphon when channelling, intended for lightworkers to use to help anchor and spread their light at this time of great energy shifts preceding Yule 2012. As many set prayers it is best used in a regular pattern whether monthly, weekly, daily or some permeatation thereof, said three times. “Angelis Pax” is the end blessing I was given instead of either “Amen” or “So mote it be” which carry religious links. This is a truly New Age, interfaith, non-denominational prayer to the Divine to connect angels to our earth plane more readily to help those in chaos, need or fear. I found it interesting!

Let my light spread and bring
Hope where hope is lost,
Love where love is lacking,
Peace where it is scarce,
Calm where chaos reigns,
Joy where there is sorrow,
Humanity in disaster,
Light where there is darkness,
Wiping out all fear,
Uplifting every person on earth
To be the best they can be.
May my light make bridges
On which angels may tread
To reach all those in need.
Angelis pax.

~ Copyright Silverla StMichael with Archangel Sandalphon, November 2012 ~