Movement Is The Miracle – 2020

It’s taken me a long time to formulate a spiritual perspective on the global pandemic and all the issues surrounding it. I have had to experience it for myself before I could get anything like clarity and higher insight about it – as indeed we all have.

But there are certain things now that I have discovered through my own experience and that of those close to me: things that are going to be crucial to the spiritual upgrading many people are now navigating (whether they know it or not) and will be for the next ascension cycle.

Now is the right time to put this out there, at a time when in many countries the lockdowns are being relaxed, and I will emphasise: this event is not over. In fact, it’s only just beginning. By saying this, I am not necessarily saying there will be worse to come. Actually, my feeling is that we have choices, and different paths could unfold from here. But in terms of the inner work and spiritual growth arising from what we have collectively and individually experienced, it’s only just beginning – and now is the time to embrace it and engage with it, to move towards the highest possible future timelines for all.

The global pandemic is an ascension event.

We have been working towards it for some time now, some of us consciously and some of us subconsciously. And as we have become more eco aware, more fair trade aware, more spiritually aware, more humanity aware, we have incrementally raised the vibration of the planet and of humanity as a collective. This has been evidenced in the increase in the Schumann resonance, the electromagnetic frequency of our planet. And spiritually speaking, the point of it is to anchor higher dimensional templates of living in more love, harmony and unity here on planet earth. Some call it creating heaven on earth.


Going Within

The extreme events of spring 2020 have begun a snowball of mass awakenings. People are questioning issues such as inequality, personal freedom, and sustainability more than ever before in living memory – because they have been pushed out of their comfort zones. They have been made to face fears, triggers and even their own mortality in a world where, for the most part, we had a million and one escape routes to keep our heads buried in the sand.

The whole world paused. We slowed down. And just as people have observed nature healing in myriad ways and Mother Earth finally being able to breathe a little easier again, as a result of this pause point, it’s also a huge opportunity for healing for us as individuals, and for humanity as a whole. The experience is teaching us to be grateful and appreciative for simple things that were lost to many of us beneath the many stimuli of the modern world – fresh food, exercise, nature, family, hugs. I’m hopeful that this is something we will never again forget. It’s a stripping away of anything toxic or unnecessary that’s no longer serving us and we are literally becoming lighter vibrationally. Some healers talk about us developing crystalline light bodies as we go through this process.

And let’s be clear about something – we are all going through this process, although not everybody is fully conscious of it. Nobody will come out of this event unchanged. The key thing is whether you’re going to use the unique energies and lessons of this time as an opportunity to change things for the better. To truly get back to the simple truth of what your heart and your soul want for you, the greatest plan for your life, starting with your health and your relationships, and branching out into your purpose and destiny. Because souls who are willing to embrace that change are what our world, and what humanity, need right now – in order to fully heal and ascend into the higher dimensional reality we are moving towards. And when you start to engage with your healing consciously, you accelerate it.

So this has been my experience during this time. I am dealing with ongoing throat and chest issues since experiencing a virus (I believe, “the” virus, though I was never given a test) three times between November 2019 and March 2020. I can’t seem to shake the hoarseness and sore throat and at times I also get constricting feelings in my throat and chest. I was diagnosed with asthma at 15 and clearly throat chakra has always been a key area for healing for me. I have always had both writing and music in me, and yet I get extended periods of writer’s block and times when my throat gives out and I can’t sing. So there has always been a part of me that has sabotaged myself, tried to hide and silenced my inner voice when it has been trying to express itself.

I am approaching it in a number of ways, working with my doctor to try and work out what the situation is and how best to treat it, but working myself with affirmations for healing asthma, yoga, acupressure, reiki, angel and crystal healing. Traditionally, I have always used meditation more for healing, but somehow, I had an inner knowing from the beginning that I needed to use more physical healing techniques.

I also am lucky enough to have close like-minded friends who talk through my issues with me and these conversations are extremely catalystic. All we really do is talk about how I am feeling, the challenges I’m experiencing, and where in the past I have had that same pattern or where it might root from in the past. However, in this period, and particularly over the last few weeks, it’s truly amazing how much has surfaced. I’m talking about very deeply buried traumas and experiences many of us have buried far down inside our psyche – the sort that will only come to light once you set a conscious intention to heal and go into your meditation or conversation (and it can be a conversation with yourself, equally, as a form of journalling) holding that intention.

So I have uncovered traumas from my past I’d all but forgotten about. Things that happened in my university years that made me feel like I’d failed. Trauma from very early life and in the womb that I wasn’t even consciously aware of. And I hasten to add, I had an absolutely wonderful childhood and was deeply loved and protected by both of my parents. I’m talking about subconscious level things they were probably unaware of and I was definitely unaware of. For a long time, I’d thought that my “inner saboteur” kept me silent and didn’t want me to be seen because of experiences of being bullied at high school, but it actually goes back to a core inner belief of mine that I have no right to exist, and so in apology for existence, I hide and stay silent. When the bullying experiences manifested this hidden, subconscious thought-form was magnified and my fifteen-year-old self manifested asthma – literally attempting to silence herself. And when there was a change of direction at university, my eighteen-year-old self perceived it as failure and then set up a pattern of needing to complete every task given to her to some ridiculous perfectionist standard, becoming not only a compulsive workaholic but needing to fill every waking moment with productive activity. A pattern that ran for years until I reached this point where I am now so low physically that something has to give.

I also got into applying this principle to my own children, and working out that they too have early karmic wounds and patterns as a result of where I was “at” during pregnancy and in their early lives. And my children are fiercely loved, were planned and wanted and wished for from the heart – this was purely subconscious. I was going through a redundancy when pregnant with my son and the breakdown of a relationship when he was a baby. I was going through job transitions and changes when pregnant with my daughter. I was in a position of being unemployed, with money worries and perceived pressure to secure a job when both of them were tiny. My son and daughter both have some learning difficulties and physical issues now, and I have a growing interest in how to help young people with issues such as autism and ADHD. So not only is bringing these things to the surface helping me clear, it’s pointing more clearly than ever before to my purpose and destiny, to subtle changes of direction that need to happen in my life.

The thing is, we all have this “inner saboteur”. We all have old karmic wounds and patterns, and in order for our vibration to become lighter and lighter enabling us to adapt to a higher dimensional reality, these dense shadows within us need to go. This part of ourselves is born through the most deeply buried, most challenging experiences we have had. It’s the voice inside us that tells us we’re not important enough, not good enough, not talented enough and so on, that stops us achieving our fullest potential and destinies. And that can no longer happen, because we are all being called to evolve and, in fact, embrace our fullest potential and destinies. It keeps us small in many different ways – I have explained how this relates to my life above, but it also relates to my inner or spiritual life. I observed in some healing work with one of my close friends that, while I have always resonated with the Lady of the Lake and felt like I was her in a past life (which is a wild enough claim) – even THAT belief is keeping me small, because my spiritual lineage is actually even wilder and more expansive than that, as I am just now beginning to learn.

Often, the karmic wounds or traumas relate to people we are close to, and I noticed lately when speaking to a close friend of mine about these issues as I uncovered them, he too was in the midst of healing traumas, in different ways, with those close to him. Not only that, but these are the very people we were living, or in regular contact with, during lockdown at its strictest – it could be parents, children, partners, siblings or close friends – but it’s very likely that whoever you were in lockdown with, healing your shared traumas and wounds is the key to moving forward right now. These could present for you as issues from past lives, in the womb, early childhood, formative years; trauma absorbed from parents or caregivers; trauma experienced during your children’s young years. This is a natural form of ancestral healing, and the principle is, when you uncover it, you’re not just healing it for yourself and the loved ones you directly share the traumas with – you’re healing it going back and forward over many, many generations. Literally, healing the past and the future by bringing it into full awareness in the present moment.

To do this sort of inner work, you have to be prepared to face your discomforts, dis-eases, physical limitations, fears, habits, anxieties and so forth. It’s not an easy process, it’s quite an emotional rollercoaster. And once the floodgates are open, you are likely to receive a snowball effect of intense revelations. It’s deep, but important, inner work, and the experiences we are going through are pushing us all to do it. The more we consciously bring these things to the surface and allow healing of them, the smoother the path forward becomes. It’s a unique opportunity for metamorphosis. Lockdown is the same thing as cocooning. Being faced with our mortal fears brings negativity to the surface for examination and release. Being in isolation makes us face ourselves and question our patterns and behaviours. We are being pushed to evolve.

And you have always been destined to be right here right now, in this moment, presented with this opportunity….just like I was always meant to exist and speak my truth! Because God caused us to be here right now! Whatever the “3D illusion” of the negative beliefs, habits, patterns or behaviours you may have – the ones that hold you back – God caused you to be born into the time and the unique circumstance you now are SO THAT YOU COULD HEAL THESE PATTERNS AND TRAUMAS FOR ALL GENERATIONS OF YOUR ANCESTRAL LINE.

A mass clearing of karma taking us forward towards an ascended, evolved, more conscious, more unified, more equal experience of physical life. Heaven on earth. And yes, this healing can be messy and painful. And it certainly won’t happen overnight. But isn’t it worth it for the contribution you are making to a humanity-wide event?


Movement is the Miracle

You may well be thinking – well, how do I start this process? Believe me, your soul has already started this process. It’s already happening. Look at the challenges you’ve been facing during this time. Look at your own long-term fears, anxieties and negative mindsets – how are they being fed and triggered by this experience?

Step one is literally to bring it into conscious awareness, by setting intention to do so, and then having a conversation. This could be a conversation with a like-minded friend. It could be a conversation with yourself via journalling (writing down whatever comes to mind when you think about these themes). It could be a conversation with the universe via meditation or walking in nature. Make sure you LISTEN as well as talking or writing. Be open to listening to advice, insights from others (and that’s been a fight for me and my control freak tendencies!), strong hunches and synchronicities (uncanny coincidental quotes, messages etc) which are answers from above.

What you are seeking to do is bring to light the deepest core or root of the beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you and hold you back. If you’re still “stuck” in them, you didn’t get to the core or the root yet – you may need to go further back. You will know when you’ve shifted them as there will be subtle changes to your perception, your thinking, your behaviour, the way you feel and any physical symptoms. You may even experience a flaring up of physical symptoms during the release process. Then, you know you got to the core or the root – then you can examine if you have any other beliefs or patterns that need to go. This uprooting process is the key part of the healing as it catalyses release.

Release can be a messy job, as I am now finding managing my throat and chest symptoms. The guidance I received as I started to become clear on this process that was happening is that “airy fairy” ways of healing won’t cut it when working at these deep levels. Just participating in some group meditations, for example, won’t get rid of these limiting beliefs and illusions – though they may well help to raise your vibration enough to bring some of them to the surface. But the key thing is – as you uncover these old wounds and release the energy around them, you will also begin to receive nudges and glimpses of new directions in the future in terms of managing your health, life choices, your purpose, destiny and mission. And you need to GROUND both the healing and the new energy into your physical reality. Both are gifts from the higher dimensions and remember – we’re anchoring these higher dimensional perspectives and visions in physical reality right now.

So, after uprooting something major, and regularly right now, create movement. Movement is the medicine AND the miracle, simultaneously. It makes you present in the moment, present with that which needs to be released, which is what will enable it to happen. Moving the body is incredibly important as it shifts energies and helps with the release process – as old karmic wounds and patterns are stored in our subtle bodies which over time impact on the physical body – however resonates for you, whether yoga, dance, walking, swimming, etc. Walks in nature adds the extra dimension of the healing energies of nature itself – the positive ions that come from natural sources of water, the fresh air, the healing properties of flowers and plants, the vitamin D boost of the sunlight, the cleansing energy of rain, and the boost of oxygen that comes from trees and green plants.

To quote my dear friend Michael Mulroy, who is a wonderful musician (I will include a link at the end) as well as, at times, the voice of Archangel Michael himself, from our recent catalystic conversations: “We are here to embody our essence in third dimensional form.” In other words, to live as our angelic or higher forms here on earth. Grounding is the key to that. And grounding is the key to your healing taking hold long-term and forging a new path forward, finally being free of old patterns and limitations.

Being In The New

And as you heal, you will need to make new choices.

I clearly observed myself, in the week following uprooting some of the above traumas, falling back into an old habit. Pushing myself to work and be immersed in work, as a form of escapism – basically to detach from other issues I may not particularly want to face.

I had been working from home at tasks for my job all afternoon and, having fallen by default back into that “mode”, discovered myself wanting to push on and fill the evening with something equally “productive”. This blog post has been in the planning for a few weeks now and I was going to push myself to try and start it, even though I wasn’t feeling it, and was actually feeling very tired. The same old pattern I had just brought to the surface and, I thought, released. At the time I had not fully hit upon this idea of movement as medicine and grounding the healing, so maybe I had not done enough of that – or maybe the patterns are simply harder to overcome and do need some stringent observation.

Anyway, I didn’t. Having caught myself, I made a different choice. I meditated. I did a shamanic soul retrieval meditation, a subconscious process which supports this deep inner healing work I’m speaking of. Here is the link if you want to use it – you can use it both to catalyse bringing realisations to the surface, and as a go-to for breaking old habits!

At the end of this meditation, I very clearly heard: “You can’t lose what’s meant for you, so there is no need to rush.” And when I was telling Michael about this experience, his comment before I told him about that piece of clairaudience was: “Nothing is a race.” Not that I needed an extra confirmation as it was such a clear piece of guidance – the best moment of clarity I have had in a long time – but it was a double confirmation about having patience with yourself. The process is not meant to be rushed, and it’s not meant to be paid “lip service” to in an effort to get it over and done with. Rest, contemplation and LISTENING time is so important. Pause points within the global pause point, if you will. Pause points have been sorely lacking in our culture for some time – take this as a pivotal moment where they begin to make a comeback! Because we actually need them to be able to hear our higher selves – our souls – who have miraculous ideas and futures planned for us if only we will listen!

So when you catch yourself lapsing back into those old patterns or habits – STOP! Call a pause point. Resist the patterned behaviour. Make a different choice. No longer put up with ANYTHING that weakens the soul or the body. If you need rest, rest. Break the pattern by choosing something else in the moment, such as:
 Meditation (high frequency music is lovely and a form of sound healing too)
 Go for a walk
 Sit outside in nature and ground
 Hold a crystal
 Do some yoga, stretches or gentle exercise
 Sing, dance, listen to or play music
 Journal or write
 Create some art
 Go and talk to someone you love

And make sure you are open, alert and ready to listen for guidance – whether through another person or from within – as you do it! All these activities make you PRESENT IN THE MOMENT– and THAT IS ALWAYS WHERE YOUR POWER LIES. My very favourite quote, from a song called Wishing by my very favourite musician, John Frusciante, is: “Every time is contained in now, now is the one time anything happens; your one moment’s shot in infinity’s round, now is the one time anything happens.” And it’s true.

Be aware that the soul TAKES ITS TIME and MAKES CONSCIOUS DECISIONS. Any “sense of urgency” you feel about doing this or that comes from ego, or fear, whichever term you prefer. I learned this, subconsciously, from learning to play the piano – it cannot be forced or rushed and if you feel like you’re up against a brick wall it’s best to pause, come away and go back to it fresh – but I never made the link until now that it also applies to every other aspect of my life.

Over time, you may feel guided to make significant and long-term changes. Your body and soul are ascending and we are emerging from our collective chrysalis into a new earth. I know I have already been guided to make significant changes to how I exercise and how often, and further changes to diet (I have already made many and experimented with different things over the years) is next. Your priorities may change as a result of your experiences and healing. You may need to break out of old limitations, situations, jobs, friendships or relationships that no longer resonate with you or serve you – any feeling of being caged, trapped, poisoned or kept in the shadows gives you a clue that a greater movement is needed. You may then need to make different, braver, decisions rather than “just doing what you’ve always done” because it’s familiar.


Courage and Leaps of Faith

As my beliefs and wounds that no longer served me have continued to unravel, another one came to light.

I had been presented with two opportunities within a short space of time that could have led somewhere new in two different aspects of my life, had I taken them – and I didn’t. I dismissed one out of hand and the other was more of a fight with myself after lots of anxious thinking, due to my perceived limitations around my physical health and medical conditions.

I have a long-held belief, and it is one my past or regular spiritual students will be familiar with as I teach it on most every workshop I ever do – which is that when the universe gives you a true sign, it will repeat three times in quick succession, whether it be a word, image, name, song, quote, piece of advice, or whatever other permutation of a sign you like.

When you are on the right path, there is a momentum – synchronicities and events snowball when you’re releasing, clearing, and forging ahead on a new path that is vibrationally right for you. The “snowball” is not new – it’s something I’ve been teaching for years as well – but I never once stopped to think that it’s at direct odds with the “three clear signs” idea.

All of a sudden, this illusion dissolved and I was able to see that I have devised this idea of waiting for three clear signs to allow myself to procrastinate and talk myself out of God-given opportunities that were meant for me. To allow myself the luxury of seeking reassurance from the universe before I leap. It causes delays, and so many things have been delayed and stuck in a loop in my life – and it also shows a lack of trust and faith in God and in myself, that I still need to work on. It ALSO shows that my courage levels, while I know I am courageous and have done many courageous things in my life, do not yet match the highest destiny meant for me – they need upgrading. As a result I am now praying hard for courage, trust and faith, in the same way I prayed hard for truth late last year – which clearly seems to be manifesting now.

Michael came up with a wonderful analogy in response to this. These moments of clarity and ways forward are like the parting of the waves by Moses described in the Bible. There is a window, a stretch of time, in which to walk through the sea before the waves crash back down again, submerging you back in confusion and uncertainty. And I’ve been letting that happen, over and over and over again. This honestly came as the biggest revelation of all – and a total shock, to somebody who preaches “carpe diem” and thought she embodied it!

Actually, I used to embody it, and over a number of years of running these other patterns and programmes I spoke about above that did not serve my soul, I lost it somewhere along the way, so that now, when presented with a God-given opportunity that punches me in my gut because it feels so right – instead of just making the leap and worrying about the details later, all I could see was the obstacles – the reasons why I shouldn’t. I have always had a tendency towards “circling thoughts”. I think I have it because I suffer with anxiety – which I am now addressing head on by following my doctor’s advice and embarking on cognitive behavioural therapy – but I think we all do it to a degree.

I’m talking about those decisions and dilemmas we’re faced with where, whatever we choose, it seems like somebody loses; it seems like we’ll let somebody down, somebody will be disappointed with us, we will feel guilty towards somebody no matter what we do. They come from fear-thoughts that are often subconscious and deeply embedded without our knowing.

When I was recently doing some distant healing with another close friend of mine, Terri Elizabeth, a beautiful and wise soul and psychic medium (again, I’ll link her page below) – we were working on releasing fear-thoughts that keep me in these holding patterns. We both envisioned it as a dragon, that was so dense and permanent inside me it had become solid rock, inside me. My higher self cut in at that point – I know that is happening when I see or hear spontaneous things in meditation or dreams that I’m not consciously visualising or creating – and called on all the power of the universe (or you may prefer the grace of God) to shatter it. I saw it fill with light and shatter and I heard clearly: “And THAT is what you do when you need clarity.”

So I now have a strategy to use when I find myself with those circling thoughts….because it would be true to say more clarity came in the days and weeks to follow, through more insights, more flow, more movement, and more decisiveness. Another insight that came up lately was that THE SIMPLEST ANSWER IS USUALLY THE TRUTH. And when you look at being in such a dilemma, the simplest answer is this – no matter what you do, somebody will disapprove or dislike it, so the obvious thing to do is to do what’s best for YOUR soul. Isn’t it?

The rest is just illusion. Doing what’s best for your soul is always the answer. I feel so much certainty saying that to you now, and it’s what I’m going to try to remember next time I hit one of those dilemmas. I may even write it on a piece of paper and stick it on my wall so I see it every day. And again, strategies like these bring us back to the present moment, facing the dilemma instead of avoiding it, acknowledging its discomfort but standing in your power and making a clear decision. Things have already begun to flow more since these insights have come through and since I started to release these old patterns and habits.

And this brings another facet to the idea that movement is the medicine and movement is the miracle. Not just physical movement, but movement in our ideas and perceptions if they no longer serve us. It can literally break decades-long holding patterns and create snowballs of miracles, giant leaps forward – MOVEMENT ALSO CREATES MOVEMENT.

It also brings us full circle to the idea of LISTENING. Because listening means listening to your heart and your soul. And accepting movement as medicine means following it while the momentum is there, while the waves are parted…in the pause point.


Paradoxes and Ripples

Yes, there is a paradox here. (All the great spiritual truths have a paradox. The angels love it – they are more playful than you may think and they love riddles.) Because I am saying that the soul takes time and makes conscious decisions, and there is no need to rush your growth or your work. And at the same time I am saying that moments of great opportunity open up and there is a period of time in which to act on that opportunity and take the leap of faith.
But the soul does not fill you with a terrified sense of urgency of “this must be done or else” that keeps you ever busy, stressed out and tying yourself up in knots. That’s fear. That’s illusion. The soul fills you with divinely-inspired ideas and insights that feel good, that resonate, that make you feel excited.

And when you allow those ideas and insights to take root, to be anchored in your physical reality, they create a quantum leap that opens up a moment of great opportunity….a parting of the waves….a pause point. This too will feel good, resonate and fill you with excitement. That’s your heart’s way of communicating your soul’s “Yes!” This is where you jump from one timeline to another, if you choose, and move forward onto the proverbial path less taken. Unless you let the fear-thoughts back in, and let them circle, and slip back into your holding pattern.

You may need to read that a few times to truly understand the beauty – and the wisdom – of the paradox. It’s a simple idea at its core, and simple ideas are usually the truth. I’m learning that taking time to repeat things, whether it be watching an insightful movie, playing a piano piece, or re-reading key information, helps you embed, absorb and ground it into your psyche, your reality. Ultimately, your life.

Something that has come up as a repeating motif during this time has been the idea and the archetype of “the hero’s journey” made famous by Joseph Campbell. I read about it in a book, Time and How To Spend It by James Wallman and then it came up again in the following documentary which was recommended to me (which indeed I am going to watch multiple times as it has multiple layers of meaning):

This time we are in right now, is a time of walking through the “dark” forest, a time of stepping through our shadows into the light, a time of rebirth, a time of vision quest. A time of laying foundations for new chapters in our lives.
You probably don’t fully comprehend how important YOU are. How important the voice of YOUR heart and soul is. How important it is that you see through illusion and follow their calls so you can speak your truth, live your truth and be your truth – the most authentic expression of you possible.

This inner healing work is the first and most important step. Both my friends I have spoken about have gone through it and are now helping me through it. Time and space for that healing is so important. It took a global pandemic to make me finally take it. You have experienced that too. It has probably already changed your perspective and made you start to re-evaluate your life. Think of the time, the delays, the complications you could save yourself by taking that time for yourself now too.

When you make the choices that are right for YOUR soul, and as a result you become happier, lighter, more fulfilled, healthier, stronger, loving life more and by extension more loving, you begin to embody your soul, your higher, wiser self who sees from a far greater perspective than your human consciousness which sees through filters of fear long-embedded and programmed from our earlier experiences. Making these choices is healthier for YOU and so everyone you are connected to energetically benefits from your energy being lighter, calmer, happier, more fulfilled, more at peace, more loving, more relaxed, more magnetic and higher in vibration. You also act as a role model for everyone you are connected to energetically to make the choices that honour THEIR soul too.

And then, by extended ripple effect, a truly magical process – the energy snowballs and gains momentum. Another person begins seeing through their illusions, making soul-based choices and releasing old patterns that no longer serve them….and another…and another. Their vibration lifts too. They inspire more people, whose vibration also lifts. Before you know it, hundreds of people are uprooting tired old habits, beliefs and patterns in their life, vibrating more joy, love and light, embodying their soul, and fulfilling the destiny and purpose they truly came here to fulfil….each having a direct effect on everyone they are energetically connected to….and so it goes on.

If you are here right now on earth, at this time, in this experience, THIS IS PART OF WHAT YOU CAME HERE TO DO.

When we think of mission and purpose, we often think of a paid job. But, my dear ones, think about it – we are limitless, multidimensional souls – we are far bigger than that!

Your mission and purpose is to be! It’s to embody your soul and BE the highest, most authentic version of you possible! The first step is clearing away the old habits, patterns and illusions. The next step is grounding the healing and insight you gain into your physical reality. The next step is having the courage to take the leaps of faith when the universe “answers” your work with new opportunities to fulfil your dreams. And along the way you make a huge difference to countless other people. You transform…humanity transforms.

I know that this inner work, and the healing “work” I’ve been doing with my friends, is part of all our soul plans.

And I’m at a point, finally, where I’m more trusting the path than I am scared about what lies there….because of this work, because of allowing this healing process, because of slowing down and listening, because of grounding and creating movement and being ever more fully present in the moment AS MY SOUL – allowing in my full, expansive soul, not just small parts of it that I feel comfortable with.

I couldn’t have got to this point without the two friends I have mentioned and I am so full of love and gratitude for them; humbled, actually, that I have magnetised such vibrationally aligned people into my life; but then, that also happens when you seek to heal, release, clear and raise your vibration. As Michael said to me recently, “To be grounded is holy” and Terri reminded me recently of the age-old truth, “As above, so below” – ground your healing, acknowledge it, claim it, take it forward and live it. Once you have made the internal leaps, follow your heart and the resonance (what feels good and right) and make the external ones.

Now is the time to become the person you were always meant to be. And if that thought scares you, please know it frequently scares us all, you’re not alone, and it doesn’t have to be scary, because the soul takes time and makes conscious decisions, and you can have all the pause points you need.

All you need to do, right here, right now, is allow it. Allow that process to start, or to start to become conscious. Set intention for it. Ask your guides, your soul or your like-minded friends for help with it. And in changing yourself…you literally, ultimately, change the world.


Afterword: Angelic Help

In the midst of intense release, after discovering a lot of these subconscious blocks and patterns, when some of my physical symptoms were exacerbated, Archangel Uriel appeared to me when I was drifting between sleep and waking. He appeared in silver armour with red (or flame) emblazoned on his chest and I had a certain knowing it was Archangel Uriel. I have long known him as an archangel who helps us ground our divinely-inspired ideas into physical reality. I feel sure now he is helping with these particular forms of healing that are occurring at this time.

As a result of this vision, on the new moon, I specifically called on Archangel Uriel for help and healing, and found various pieces of spiritual music to listen to in meditation that were inspired by him (and therefore carry his vibration – you can find them on YouTube). Not only was the pain of the symptoms eased, but I have since discussed lots of ways forward to investigate my physical challenges with my doctor, and other events synchronistically transpired which I know will significantly support my healing, with blocks that seemed difficult removed almost effortlessly. I had forgotten, because it’s a while since I worked with him, how amazing Archangel Uriel is at cutting through interference and illusion and making a path for you. He is there to do that for any and all of us right now, and the beauty of working with angels is, all you have to do is ask, and they are able to intervene. Though you can also use the fiat I learned from Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s book How to Work With Angels: “Uriel, make me a channel of your peace.”

There are other angels also helping directly at this time, including Archangel Michael, the angel of protection; Archangel Gabriel, who helps us with purpose and destiny but also with rebirth; and Archangel Raphael, the angel of healing. You may feel others too.


And you may not realise, but many of us here on earth right now are angels walking the earth in human bodies, and we are here for a reason – we are here to anchor into physical reality this new earth. So our angelic help can also come through friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances – either prompted to do so by angels, or because they are truly an angel walking the earth themselves.

As we anchor this unity consciousness, this vibration and frequency of unconditional love, we cut like a sword of light through the dense energies moving through earth and releasing at this time. And we begin to make more and more of our choices through love, not fear. I have taught for many years now: choose unconditional love over fear. I have made those choices many times – I can see now it was all practice for and leading to this moment. What I have not yet done is fully embodied it, and it feels like this now is my task – fully embodying the warrior angel inside me so I can magnetise the highest possible timelines into all areas of my life.

When we can choose love over fear every time, without faltering, with full trust and faith, we create heaven on earth; and we anchor that vibration, through our bodies into the physical dimension, into the planet, for the highest good of all. It’s your task too.

With much love, Silverla StMichael, 2020.

Thank you to my friends who have inspired me to heal and without whom I would not be writing this article now. It may be me crystallising it but much of it is also born of their shared wisdom and the healing process itself has been so catalysed by their guidance and infinite patience.

Michael Mulroy – listen to his beautiful high vibrational music here:

Terri Elizabeth – her psychic medium page:

And you may also like to visit my Facebook pages – Spiritual Solace (live videos, inspirations and news of workshops):

Silverla’s Soul Songs (my musical journey, song readings and sound healing):

Copyright – Silverla StMichael 2020

You Have Power

In recent days I have spent more time doing yoga, meditation and music, both as a mindful choice to try and stay in the vibration of love instead of fear, as a form of self-healing, and as a way of creating space in my thoughts for my angels, guides and the Divine to drop in any healing directives they wanted me to share with everyone.

This morning, the answer came. Simple, but it immediately rang true, like every piece of Divine guidance I have ever received, either for myself or for all of humanity.

The answer was: You Have Power.

Read that again: You Have Power.

So many people are getting lost in a fog of fear. If they’re not frightened of the CoVid-19 outbreak itself, they’re frightened of the stock markets crashing, or of what the outbreak is a cover-up for, or of not having enough. Once you get into a spiral of fear-thought, and the longer you let it run unchecked for, the less chance you have of coming back out of it.

And ultimately, thought creates reality. If you’re spending the majority of your day, every day, trawling through the news reports, which are worded to be as sensational and dramatic as possible, and focusing on the fear, it’s arguable that all you are creating is more fear, and a greater possibility of the things you fear actually happening.

Fear is an ego response to what is going on around you and not feeling safe and secure in your own being. And fear can be created, amplified and exacerbated by the very particular feeling of not having power. So many people feel that their lives, their livelihoods and their lifestyles are totally in the hands of the governments and authorities at this moment in human history.

But actually: You Have Power.

You have power to make your own informed decisions. You don’t have to rely just on the mainstream news reports. You can do your own research. Read words written by people actually experiencing the worst of the current health crisis. Read words written by doctors and scientists. You can choose to self-isolate if your gut tells you that’s the best thing for you to do, regardless what the authorities in your country say. Yes, there may be obstacles to this, in terms of your jobs and your finances. But you can explore and exhaust all the possibilities with your employer and your family and decide what you personally need to prioritise. It’s your choice every step of the way. Some will choose to follow guidelines and some may do their own thing. There’s no right or wrong but only what’s right or wrong for you. You can spend time figuring out what’s right for you and doing everything you can to make it happen.

You have power to limit your movement around your community and country (and internationally). You don’t have to follow through with travel plans. You can stay in touch with friends and family by text, phone, messengers, Skype and email. You can avoid busy places like malls and large social events. You can choose to engage in leisure activities at home rather than out and about. Reading, drawing, painting, playing music, listening to music, watching TV, gentle exercise like yoga, meditation…the list is endless. Even if you absolutely cannot stay off work or work from home at this time (and not all professions can), you can limit your contact with others by stripping it down to essentials only. Every individual choice and decision counts.

You have power to explore mindful practices that will boost your own intuition and raise your own vibration. When you’re full on in fear mode, it’s very unlikely that the still small voice within, the voice of your higher self, will be able to make itself heard through the endless loop of fear thoughts. Choosing to meditate for ten minutes daily, to get still and centred and state to the universe that this is a time to connect with the love and wisdom at the core of your being and to let God, your guides and your higher self whisper to you, will help you develop strong intuition and in the current situation, following your own internal radar and gut feeling is incredibly important. You can also choose to cut fear-mongering pages from your news feed, mute or block them or limit the amount you read or watch once you have the basic information.

You have power to make your voice heard. If you strongly feel in your gut that your government should be doing more to limit the spread of the virus, that their actions are not drastic enough (or too drastic if that’s your perspective), you can sign petitions and share them on your social media, you can contact your MP in the UK (I’m sure there are equivalents in other countries). You can choose not to share fear-based information on your social media platforms and you can choose to share articles that are informative, productive, pro-active or coming from a standpoint of love and healing. You can also choose to stay silent if you have nothing positive or constructive to say, to avoid provoking more fear or anger in others.

You have power to look after and support your and your family’s health and healing in every possible way. You can research natural herbal supplements with antibiotic properties such as garlic and echinacea. You can supplement your immune system with vitamins – a lot of articles I have read suggest Vitamin C and Vitamin D are particularly important. You can choose to eat the freshest, healthiest food available to you. You can choose to stay home and rest if you are under the weather and therefore have a compromised immune system – again, this is more challenging for some than others, but rather than just assume it’s not a possibility you can explore it by speaking to your GP and your employer. You can drink plenty of water to flush toxins through your body. You can do all of the above regardless whether you do it pre-emptively or to support your healing if you have symptoms of illness.

You have power to explore alternative forms of healing if you have knowledge of them or know somebody who does, again, regardless of whether you have symptoms that are worrying you, or pre-emptively. Many forms of alternative healing, including angel, reiki, sound and crystal healing which are the main ones I have some knowledge of myself, can be done distantly with no need for physical proximity. You can choose to hold a healing circle remotely via the internet with friends, or send healing to the planet, or the whole of humanity, or a loved one with health issues. You can choose to listen to healing chants and frequencies, which raises your vibration as well. There are many free audio tracks for this on YouTube. You can choose to use simple healing affirmations such as: I am strong. I am healthy. I am healed. I am whole. I am in perfect health. I am in perfect balance. I am grateful for my good health. Humanity is healed. Humanity is whole. It can be especially powerful to use them when you catch yourself in cycles of fear thoughts. The premise of vibrational healing is that everything is vibration. Every thought, action, choice and energy sends ripples out and makes subtle shifts and changes to the vibration of every other energy it touches. Many people swear by alternative healing and there is definitely no harm in investing some time exploring it in the interests of supporting your health and healing in every way possible.

You have power to step up your hygiene practices as you see fit as well as continue the good hygiene practices you already had. You can wash your hands more frequently, avoid touching your face if you have to go out,avoid touching surfaces unnecessarily, cover your nose and mouth if there is someone coughing or sneezing around you, wash your clothes more frequently, at high temperatures if possible, and educate your children to do the same. You can disinfect your home (and vehicle, and working environment if you can’t avoid it) more frequently. If you do not have access to alcohol hand sanitiser, hot water and soap is equally effective providing you dry your hands properly. If there is a shortage of chemical cleaning products, you can research natural alternatives such as using vinegar or lemon juice to clean and disinfect surfaces. You can add certain types of disinfectant to bathing water if you read the instructions carefully, and you can also add certain essential oils to bathing water to ease symptoms (for example lavender oil), disinfect (for example tea tree oil) or for general self-care. You can, additionally, add Epsom salt, rock salt or Himalayan salt to your bath to cleanse energetically as well as physically.

You have power to choose the way you respond to events as they unfold and the perspective you take. When surrounded by chaos, it can take mindful practice to stay calm and focused on love, positive outcomes and healing, but you can set that intention to choose that focus and do the best you can, taking it a day at a time. You can choose to be calm. If you have children in your life, take a moment to think about what example you are setting them. Is it likely that in their lifetime they will see another pandemic or a different type of global crisis? Absolutely. The way you are responding right now is setting a precedent for them to know how to behave in such situations. And you can choose to set an example of panic, fear, anxiety and paranoia, or you can choose to set an example of calm, pro-activity, kindness and compassion. You can choose to be kind and think of others as well as thinking about your own needs. You can choose to make sure you don’t clear a supermarket shelf of a product, for example, in case somebody more vulnerable or less mobile than you comes in after you needing that product. If you have to isolate at some point, you can choose to acknowledge the good in that situation – not only from the point of view of the greater good in slowing the spread of the virus, but from the point of view of getting those jobs done at home there’s never time for, extra time with your children, time to rest and heal if you have been sick, and time for self-care, for spending more time on hobbies, re-invigorating a lost passion or starting one you’ve always fancied but never had the opportunity to. Even if you still perceive that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, choosing to acknowledge the benefits and be grateful for them raises your vibration, shifts your perspective and helps attracts more blessings to you energetically.

You have power still to do good in the world and make a difference. You can check on friends and loved ones, no matter if you’re isolated or how far away they are, via phone and internet. You can keep in touch, chat regularly, and help keep each other’s spirits up, or be a listening ear if there are problems or fears. You can listen to challenges your loved ones are experiencing and give practical help if you are able to (whether financially, with childcare, with advice, with errands, with sharing essential items), or signpost them to practical help elsewhere if you have ideas, or at the very least offer your empathy, your understanding and your thoughts and prayers. This will be especially important if you have friends and loved ones who are health workers right now. There is immense pressure on them, however you look at it, and they need our love, understanding and support. And very important if there are people you know in your community who are vulnerable, have pre-existing health conditions or are elderly. And at the very least, you can always pray for those you care about, pre-emptively as well as when they are facing challenge. You can always ask angels to intervene for them. You can always send healing light their way, pink, green or white light from the Divine through your heart and out to theirs, for their highest good.

You have power, in fact, to pray and send positive thoughts universally. If you believe in the power of prayer, why stop at just praying for your friends and family? You can also choose to pray for the places that are hardest hit. To pray for the most vulnerable. To pray for support, wisdom and Divine guidance for the leaders of our countries. You may not agree with their decisions, but imagine being in that position right now with lots of tough calls to make. It is possible to support rather than hinder energetically, by sending them loving energy and praying for the best decisions to be made for the highest good. You can choose to hold vision for the best possible outcomes. To hold vision for healing. I will include the daily visualisation I am doing at the bottom of this article. You can choose to focus on creations of love, stories, poems, songs, pieces of music, art, articles, inspirational videos, meditations, acts of kindness, and continuing to put them out into the world to inspire and uplift others, to restore people’s faith in humanity. Via the internet it’s still possible to do most of that from home – or share those that others have created. If your abundance is unaffected, you can also choose to donate money or items to food banks, homeless charities etc who may be hard hit by current events.

You have power – on a related note – to not take your eye off other pressing issues, such as the climate crisis as a prime example. You can choose to still champion these causes, still donate to them, still hold vision for resolutions for them, still seek out and share information about them, still take the practical steps you can to lessen your own impact on the world, still sign petitions for change where you feel change is necessary, still use your social media platforms to educate others, share relevant information and encourage people to take actions you believe are important. You can still plant wildflowers, feed local wildlife, plant trees, reduce waste, monitor your own carbon footprint, save water, save electricity, champion conservation and prevention of animal cruelty. Increasing financial issues in many countries, impacting healthcare systems, education, etc is another prime example. The pandemic is not the only problem we face and it’s important that we continue to work through all the challenges, for the sake of future generations as well as our own.

You have power to choose who to align with. At this moment in time there is a collective wave of fear, which is understandable, and I empathise wholeheartedly with everyone who is frightened. I have been on a spiritual path for a long time, have meditated frequently, and received many pieces of guidance that give me hope for the future, and I’m doing internal work daily in order to stay in the vibration of love. Nobody is saying it’s easy – it’s not. It’s a challenge. But you can choose and set intention to be part of a collective wave of love instead. And do something every day to re-affirm that choice. There are scientists, doctors and citizens in hard-hit countries out there who are sharing information on prevention and management of the virus. There are spiritual teachers, channels, psychics and healers organising group meditations to hold vision globally for healing and resolution of this crisis. There are people staying calm, keeping their sense of humour and making inspirational posts to help us cope and raise our vibration on a daily basis. You can choose to be part of that wave. To share positive, inspirational, informative posts, and to join in with pro-active energy healing events.

You have power to accept and also appreciate that this is a moment in time. How this situation turns out depends on every choice, action and decision that is made by every single one of us in the days, weeks and months to come. This too shall pass. It really will. The truth is, it is likely to get worse before it gets better. But you have the choice to be a beacon, an earth angel, trying to make it easier to bear for whoever the universe puts in your path either in person or remotely. You have the choice right now to hold positive visions, take positive actions, demonstrate loving behaviours and contribute to the solutions. You have the choice not to deny your power but to step into it, to be empowered, to acknowledge your power and make more conscious choices about your own health, your own mental well-being, the example you set, the influence and impact you have in the world, and what you choose to focus your thoughts, time and energy on: the challenges or the solutions; the worst-case scenarios or the best-case scenarios; what you can’t do or what you can do; in short, fear or love.

Speaking from a spiritual standpoint, great energetic shifts have been taking place for a number of years now. It seems to me that this is part of that process. I am in a deeper place of surrender to the Divine than ever before and walking in trust and faith that there is a plan and that one day we (collectively) will look back and see how all these shifts brought us to a better place, a world, in essence, with a higher vibration, a world with unity consciousness, a world based on love and not fear. You have power to see the current situation as an opportunity to rise up and consciously choose love. You have power to see it as an opportunity to be kind, show compassion, caring, empathy and care for others, including the most vulnerable in society. You have power to see it as an opportunity to collectively come together to make our voice heard, look after each other, support each other, and love each other through this. You have power to see it as an opportunity to practice better self-care, put more emphasis on healing and well-being, and to master your own thoughts and responses. You have power to surrender and trust the Divine, to look for the positives amidst the challenges, and witness our collective growth as we face this together.

We are not the only generation to have faced similar life-changing and far-reaching events where there have been great changes to systems, great shifts in consciousness, or great advancements in science, medicine and technology that followed. You have power to read about such historical events as previous pandemics, world wars and natural disasters. What comes through loud and clear from most social history accounts is the inherent good in our souls: the people who risked their own lives to save others; the people who buckled down and worked harder than they ever had before to assist their country; neighbours pulling together; countries creating alliances; the fighting spirit; the resilience; the courage; the ability to keep walking no matter what and do what needed to be done for the highest possible outcomes and the greater good. You have power, too, to call on your own ancestors who walked through such times for strength, courage and guidance now. You have power to respond in those positive ways now. You have power to make ripples, to contribute, to further leaps forward, change, transformation and hope for the future, right now.

You Have Power.

Affirm it. I have power. I am powerful. I am empowered. I choose my thoughts and my thoughts create my reality. I choose love over fear. I am love. I choose unity over separation. We are all one. I choose the highest possible timelines for myself and all of humanity.

Regardless of how you have responded up to now, you have power to choose love over fear from this moment on.

And before I wrap up this piece, I feel I wish to disclose, I have what could be considered risk factors with my own health, and so do quite a number of my friends and loved ones. Please believe me when I say I understand the fear. But this is also a great reason to consciously choose love-based thinking and actions! Focusing on taking positive action can keep you more upbeat, more uplifted and more determined, and help others in your circle to do the same. It’s a form of protection and it’s an energetic investment in the most positive outcome for the highest good of all. And it’s about setting intention to do that, and then doing your best with it each day, taking each day as it comes, and some may be more challenging than others. But you can take each day as a new start and bring the focus back. I’m also taking this situation as an opportunity to focus on self-healing and becoming as strong and healthy as possible.

Even just changing your perspective to look at the wider picture, or setting intention to raise your vibration and respond with love, or sending out and visualising positive outcomes, or switching focus to truly examine the choices you CAN make and the elements of the situation you CAN make positive contributions to, is a ripple that feeds into a collective wave of love, which is the vibration needed to heal the vibration of fear.

With love and blessings from Silverla StMichael. Xxx.


I am doing a little visualisation, at least once daily, and more if I catch myself distracted by fear-thoughts, and some of you might like to use it too. I get still and ask for my angels and guides to open my channels as much as possible to receive healing energy from them, from God, from the universe. (You can substitute power words as appropriate to you.) I visualise bright white or emerald green light (whatever feels right that day) coming in through my crown and permeating my whole system expanding out into my aura like a bubble around me. Then I extend it to my whole household and immediate family. Then my workplace. Then my community. Then my city. Then my country. Then other countries where I have loved ones or attachments to the place. Then the whole globe. I stay in that visualisation with the green or white light softly holding the whole planet for a few minutes, however long feels appropriate.

A visualisation works so well because you are thinking loving thoughts and also creating a loving image in your head, and it works well to extend step by step incrementally as it is less abstract than going straight for the globe image. I have been doing it for a couple of days and I feel a marked difference in my vibration when I do it. This gives me faith that it is making a positive impact. Imagine the positive impact if many of us do the same thing whenever we catch ourselves having fear thoughts.


Photo taken at Big Trees State Park in California, 2018 after an intense earth healing session with a soul sister. I was going through a period of Archangel Raphael photo-bombing my pictures in many different places and I still believe it captures his healing energy!

Fire Inside

Words & Music Copyright Silverla StMichael 2019

I will always fight your corner
Even when I’ve nothing left
My soul is yours, you have my honour
Til I find you, my soul, it cannot rest.
In my dreams your spirit holds me,
You’re the music of my heart,
And it was in a dream you told me
That in this life, we would be apart.

Through all time
As we close space and shatter time
I feel your vibe
This fire inside
You are the love of all my lives
It feels so pure, we will endure
We will survive.

I will always be here for you
Even if you never care;
Never even know I love you
Though I pray that someday you’ll become aware.
And I’m still standing here beside you
Though I’m walking in the dark;
I’ll be the guiding star inside you,
My love, no matter what our futures are.

Through all time
As we close space and shatter time
I feel your vibe.
This fire inside,
You are the love of all my lives,
It feels so pure, we will endure,
We will survive.

I will always be here for you
My love will always still be there.
Be there…

It hurts inside,
Oh, can’t we meet again this life?
You’re in my mind.
And it’s a crime
If we can’t be in the next life,
We’ve come so far.
This fire inside
You are the love of all my lives,
We’ve come so far, we’ve done our time,
Oh flame of mine.

Inspired by my twin flame journey and dedicated to all the twin flames out there.
May you all be blessed with sacred love.

This started as a melody and it took another six months of playing and practising to get it to this point. Silverla. Xxx.

Your Mission Is Your Soul Song: Go Louder

Have you ever noticed that where your true mission and purpose is concerned, wherever there is inspiration and creative flow, resistance follows?

Music was always my first love, right from being a small child. I’m sure I’ve recounted the story before of hearing angel song at the age of four and ever since, I have always understood that songs are a true expression of love.

Love is the ultimate healing force and the ultimate source of miracles and transcendence in this world. Learning this more and more deeply is what helps us expand and ascend, ever more, infinitely spiralling up, as souls.

I sang in choirs, learned to play musical instruments and played in orchestras at school. I was told I was gifted and talented at music and that I had perfect pitch. I could hold any harmony and I loved nothing more than to sing.

Somehow, in my teenage years and young adulthood, the music inside me was muffled and silenced. I suffered with acne and was relentlessly bullied at high school. When you’re constantly being called things like ugly and dirty it can really mess with your head. One of the comments I have never forgotten was that nobody would ever want to marry me. Though other children with kinder hearts immediately swooped on it and told me not to listen and it wasn’t true, it stuck with me (and interestingly, at this point in my life I am still not married, though I have had relationships, they just haven’t truly been resonant with my soul…yet). It makes you want to hide and I became extremely shy and introverted.

I remember my high school put on a performance of Grease when I was in fifth year. It was my absolute favourite musical because I had a thing about America and I fell in love with the songs the first time I ever watched it. I remember somehow getting the courage together to audition and though I didn’t get a main part – I probably still looked too much of a gawky, awkward mess for that even in the eyes of the teachers – other kids in my year being stunned that I could sing the way I could and commenting on it. It built my confidence a little ahead of college but I was still way quieter than I could have been.

At that time, though, I still sang in public, at karaoke bars and so forth. It was an offhand comment from somebody I loved at the time that my voice was nothing special that silenced it for a long time to come. People just don’t realise the power of their words. People also often don’t realise the fragility of many people’s confidence. That all it takes sometimes to knock down somebody who’s struggled to build their confidence up because of past events and battles is a negative comment. It’s something I spend a lot of time trying to instil in the children I teach in school now because I’m extremely aware of it myself.

I took different routes with my life, into teaching, experimenting with writing. I always had this drive inside to do more but I could never quite understand what the “more” was supposed to be. There are many people out there who feel that way, I know. I think you get that feeling when you’re not yet fully grown into your soul’s true mission…and there’s no easy answer. There’s no big reveal. The mission unfolds as you become ready, and all in Divine timing. But I believe there are different paths and directions that can be taken at different times in your life. And I believe looking back that it’s possible there were other junctures when I could have walked in faith and courage and pushed on with my mission as I know it today in the face of obstacles.

I didn’t realise at the time that the obstacles were a sign that I was on the right path. Instead I took negativity at face value and opted for the path of least resistance, to go pursue something more realistic, something where I wasn’t putting myself out there so much.

But music never completely released its grip on me. Our first love often stays with us forever, after all.

Even when I wasn’t making music myself, I continued to love listening to it, receive healing from it, be inspired by it.

I’ve talked before about being inspired by musicians and no more so than by my favourite musician of all time and the soul I call my muse, John Frusciante.

I’ve talked before in various places about how I feel such a soul connection with him, after having had hundreds of lucid dreams in which we were healing each other, singing songs together, rescuing each other from all sorts of situations, even orchestrating meeting in person here in the 3D world. I have called it a twin flame connection and that was how it was described in the dreams, but have been hesitant to say that in public, because I’m only speaking from my side, from my experience. All I really know for sure is the truth, the power, the healing force behind the connection and I’m grateful for it.

I’ve also talked before about how it was once his music, his energy, came into my conscious awareness that I started…slowly…messily…painfully…gradually…dabbling in music again. I picked up a guitar again for the first time since early adulthood when my brother had been teaching me to play and then that one offhand comment had put me off for such a long time…and found another willing teacher in the shape of a colleague I’ll never forget, and we had a kind of staff band going for a few years. It was the same inspiration behind studying Music with the Open University and singing with a local community choir, during which time people affirmed my talent many times and yes, I actually played in public on many occasions, though somehow it never completely eradicated those earlier negative programmes.

And ultimately, I silenced my soul connection with John for a while. I loved him. It was that simple. I loved him and it was too painful because he was unreachable. Unattainable. And it seemed worse after he left his band and then the music scene because I couldn’t even hear him play anymore – and worse still, I knew it was going to happen before it did, in 2007, the last time I heard him play. I just knew it would be a long time before that happened again. And it broke my heart. It was impossible. I’m a strong person and I was determined to move past it and so I stopped listening to his music. And stopped playing music. And stopped listening to much music at all, if I’m honest. I was thinking too small back then. I didn’t realise that with soul love – real unconditional love – 3D time and distance doesn’t matter.

I have also discussed on this very blog the fact that there are forces out there that would seek to interfere with people’s missions. These forces are not evil or malevolent per se. They are just basically a climate, a thought-form, a collective critical mass of fear which seeks to maintain the status quo as it is and will oppose anything or anybody trying to contribute to levelling up, paradigm shifting, demonstrating new ways to walk in this world, embodying ascended humanity. They feel they could not survive in a world with shifted, transformed, higher dimensional vibrations and so they hold onto the lower path. These forces do not want you to shine.

What I haven’t talked about yet is how all this ties in to my true soul’s mission and I think I’m only just, truly, beginning to realise this.

For a long time I thought my mission was about bringing other people solace as they walk through the pain and fear that life can present. I did this through angel readings and channelled guidance, and encouraging people to work with their angels. I think it was important at the time and it was a stepping stone.

From there I progressed to thinking my mission was about helping people navigate their spiritual awakening, once I had amassed quite a lot of spiritual wisdom myself and negotiated numerous dark nights of the soul. I ran a lot of online workshops and posted a lot on my Facebook page Spiritual Solace about how to walk through that crazy time. And from there I progressed to thinking my mission was about helping other twin flames, because that’s another crazy – and difficult – path to walk, and even more specifically, twin flames with unions that were very challenging or seemingly impossible to manifest in 3D reality. And, again, I do think I have helped many people this way and it was an important part of my own learning and growth, too.

All this time, whenever I sought spiritual guidance myself because I never seemed to completely heal or find fulfilment in my own 3D reality, in any relationship, in any endeavour, no matter how hard I tried, the messages were always the same. Learn to love yourself. Step into your own power. Speak your truth. Be more authentic. Make your dreams happen – thoughts of “it’s impossible” are illusion. Make less excuses. Go bigger with your mission. Go even bigger with your mission. Guess what? Your mission is not big enough. Your voice is not loud enough. You need to reach more people. Go even bigger. And even louder. And even bigger still. Shout out, sing out, your truth to the world.

Music started creeping back in more and still more and I opened my heart to John’s energy, and music, again. This followed repeated and relentless guidance to do so and me raging at the universe about it and resisting it for as long as I could. But I was at a spiritual standstill, I couldn’t grow, and I couldn’t very well ignore it in the end because the dreams and the sense of soul connection came back stronger than ever.

And at some point during a period of doing a lot of shamanic soul retrieval healing, I really hit on something: the idea of reading songs for people, as a form of guidance. I started doing song readings for people on my page and people loved it. And what’s more, the readings were sharp and they were on point and people really resonated with them. I knew then I was supposed to be doing more with music though I didn’t then quite have the courage to do it yet.

As I have always done everything, I took intermittent steps. Which says something, I think, about what you can achieve if you just take one small step every single day. I picked the guitar up again. Eventually I decided to take up the other instrument I had always been equally drawn to, the piano, in my early forties. I hadn’t had the opportunity when I was very young and then I’d thought it was too late, I’d never be good enough because I was learning it too late in life. But some small voice inside me told me to do it. It turns out it was about more than just learning the piano, too: it brought déjà vu and past life memories with it, allowing me to heal even more deeply at soul level.

Alongside this, I spoke my truth, and the wisdom I had to share, increasingly more broadly. It started with short videos on my musings or leading meditations within tiny workshop groups and now I have a number of public videos on YouTube and go live on my Spiritual Solace page with messages when life allows me to. Considering my default instinct is to hide, I feel that is an achievement.

I became aware of a very deep need inside me to reach out to John. This man who’d changed my life and didn’t know it; changed ME and didn’t know it. I had met him back in 2006 – and yeah, a dream pre-empted that too – but at the time I didn’t know as much as I know now and all I did at the time was thanked him for his music. Well, to be precise, I didn’t even do that: I’d written it in a brief letter to give him with a gift because I knew I would likely lose my voice and my confidence in his presence and I was completely right. I may not have known how to love myself back then, but I knew myself. I knew my self-esteem was shaky and that my best mode of communication then was writing. The more I think about it, I really had no voice in this world back then.

I did it in so many ways this time. Or, I attempted to in so many ways. I wrote him a very detailed letter which probably sounded a little crazy but hopefully mostly just full of love and enthusiasm. But I also learned songs that expressed how I felt and recorded them and sent them to him online. And whatever anybody thinks of them, or of my musical ability, that took a level of courage I can’t fully express in words and I am and forever will be damn proud of myself. I still did it quietly, to an extent – trying to keep it hidden from the rest of the world. But I did it. And it’s only now, really, that the outcome has ceased to matter. Whether or not he ever hears it or responds depends on his own soul. For me, what has been important is that the love in my heart has shaped and transformed me. It has amplified me and given me my voice.

I have always strongly believed in expressing love and telling people they are loved no matter what. I dare say it’s too much for some people and maybe that’s partly why my 3D relationships to date have never worked out. But I still believe in it. That is what I teach other people to do, and that is what I did. I still mean all of it, every bit of it, and I always will. I realise now that part of my mission is to demonstrate fearless love in action. That’s what I did too. That’s what I’m doing now. And fearlessness, by the way, is not necessarily a lack of fear. Because we all experience fear and anxiety, of rejection, of other people’s opinions, of negative outcomes and consequences, of people making fun of us, and all the rest of it. Fearlessness is pushing through it and doing what you believe in your heart you should do anyway. Fearlessness is when your fear is less than, and transcended by, your love.

Lately I have been very quiet, in all ways. I haven’t posted much on here. I haven’t posted much on my page. I’ve been more introspective, working on myself, since my soul journey to California last year. I’ve continued to work on my music, especially on my piano playing, and I’ve continued to help other people with their spiritual awakenings and help other twin flames with their paths and all the rest of it. But mostly I have been meditating, musing, praying, contemplating, healing…working on all those things spirit kept pushing me to do. Working out how I can go bigger, how I can go louder, what my mission truly should be…working on really, truly, loving myself and seeing myself and knowing that my presence in this world does count. It does matter. It does make a difference. I do have contributions to make and I am worthy of my place here.

You wouldn’t believe the resistance I’ve experienced this year. Mostly really in your face 3D reality resistance, blocks and obstacles that had to be faced and dealt with. Things like the boiler breaking. The car having a massively major fault and losing the freedom that comes with having a car for some time. Having major fallings out with people who play key roles in my life. Strings and strings of minor but stressful situations that distract from the big stuff, the big picture. And an undercurrent under all of it of minor illnesses, mostly throat and sinus related.

For a while it felt like I wasn’t receiving any guidance whatsoever, though there was the odd dream, America related again, about New York and Los Angeles, which ended up forming the basis of my summer plans. Then it became more specific, about writing lyrics for songs on the beach. Then I literally heard a song playing in my head. That never happened to me before. I have it written down with full lyrics and a sketchy outline of the music, done in a few days when I was last on holiday from the day job. I haven’t yet had chance to perfect it because that was when the car checked out on me and life became a string of frustrating phone calls and having to stand up for myself against faceless corporate entities that didn’t want to take any responsibility. But it was still amazing and it took my breath away at the time. Guidance internally and through other people has told me for a while I should write my own songs and I’d never felt I had that capability before. And then all of a sudden, it was just there. I plan to finish it this summer and I hope there will be more, as I have seen in my guidance.

Even more recently, I then had a strong burning desire to set up a brand new page dedicated specifically to my song readings, my spiritual teaching about music as a healing force, and a platform for me to share my music.

Like I said earlier, for me music has always equated to love. And love is the ultimate healing force and the ultimate essence that powers miracles.

I not only understand at this juncture that my mission is to demonstrate fearless love in action no matter what. I also understand that each of us has a soul song. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a musician, a writer, an artist, a speaker, a teacher or what at the core of your soul. You have a unique way to express the love that you are in this world. You may not be expressing it right now. You may not even be aware of it right now. But you do. That is your soul song. And your soul song is your expression of love. And to express it creates ripples of love and healing in the world.

It’s likely to be the thing you love to do more than anything else. That thing that was your first love. Even if you’ve buried it and stuffed it down because you didn’t feel good enough, you didn’t feel beautiful enough, you didn’t feel…enough. And just for the record, you are good enough. You are beautiful enough. You are enough. You are love.

I also understand at this juncture that to those collective beings who want to maintain the status quo, probably completely unconsciously, to preserve their existence as they know it – our soul songs are dangerous. They threaten to expose illusions, shift paradigms and lead to humanity and Gaia ascending into ever higher dimension. So there is resistance when you’re on the right track. It’s not a sign you should quit. It’s a sign you should keep going.

The last two weeks, I have been incredibly inspired and driven to work on more songs, fired up by the fact that I now have a platform to share it, and that I can now watch and listen to myself with love and admiration, and feel proud of what I did for love, what I did for the sake of love seeking to express itself, what I did for ME, what I did for courage, and fearlessness. To push myself to grow. To ascend. To allow myself to be heard. To allow myself to be seen. To allow myself to BE. Who I am. No filters. Perfectly imperfect as we all are. I set all those recordings for John that were private to public on YouTube and I have been singing and playing more, louder, than ever before.

I only then noticed the pattern that every time I try to go louder, to go bigger, to be more fearless and to be more fully myself in this world, something seeks to silence me. Because I have had all week a sinus and throat issue that’s put a stranglehold on my voice, that’s stopped me singing, that’s made me feel lethargic and uncreative, that’s had my voice breaking all over the place. Ordinarily when I experience major shifts and breakthroughs in perception these days (though it hasn’t happened in a while), I make a video or go live on my page. I couldn’t because of my voice. And yet, I won’t be silenced. And it’s that feeling of not wanting to be silenced, that feeling of wanting to be heard, that’s made me go back to my old default creative outlet of writing and to write this piece.

I have taught about these patterns of resistance before in my twin flame workshops, but this is bigger than just twin flames, it’s even bigger than just lightworkers. This applies to all of us, because we can all step into our mission more, become more fully who we are, and sing our soul song that bit louder in this world. We are infinite, magnificent beings of light in human bodies, all of us. We are instruments of change. We are instruments of love. We are instruments of truth. And no matter what, we can and should always sing our soul songs. It matters more than many of us think. And we are all a drop in an infinite ocean. Every ripple we create contributes to the ascension and the raising in consciousness of all of humanity.

My soul song won’t be silenced.

I’m taking my current experience as a total sign that I’m supposed to do more with the music part of my mission and that those things I do cause ripples and make a difference. Those things I’ve already had the courage to do have already shifted timelines and the best is yet to come. And who knows, maybe that’s the real reason for the enduring soul connection I feel with a musician from the other side of the world. Maybe, in this lifetime, John was always meant to be a strong guiding light that would get me here, where I am right now, able to be and see myself as brave and beautiful and occasionally brilliant, which is honestly the core truth of who we ALL are. What I know for certain is, I will always love him and I will always be grateful for all of it.

Consider that when stumbling block after stumbling block comes up when you’re trying to achieve something, that level of resistance means you’re onto something. So be fearless. Be the love you are. And express it. Go louder. Go bigger.

And keep going. It’ll be something worth transcending the blocks for. And it’ll lead to things that are bigger than just you. That’s the kind of faith that’s worth having. That’s the kind of faith that opens up all possibilities.

Silverla. ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Interestingly, I was originally going to type this direct into WordPress. WordPress was really going slow and I had to type it first in Word. And interestingly, when I came to post it, my internet went down right at that moment…as if to prove my point. It’s those little things that make us second-guess what we’re about to do. Think less about those things and more about the internal compass of the heart. If the words it says – or sings – are clear, follow them, do them, speak them, anyway.

If you resonate with me and you’d like to support me in my mission please read, listen, like, follow, share as you feel drawn:

Dark Angels

We are dark angels,
Numbered amongst the Valkyrie warriors
And the high archangelic choirs.
We have chasmic depths
Only we can truly see into,
And heights as tall as cathedral spires.

We are soul bound,
To weave parallel lines through all of eternity
And break humanity out of timeless chains.
We have limitless power
Only we can ever feel into,
And an endless soul-song of healing refrains.

We are gate-keepers,
Ancient mer-folk who knew secrets of old
And guard cosmic gates of ascension.
We have divine directives
Only we can really tune into,
And lead others into ever higher dimensions.

We are destiny itself,
A unified knowing, blazing, map in motion
And even time surrenders its secrets to us.
We have unconditional love
Only we can merge and blend into,
And wield with incendiary hearts, victorious.

We are the harmony
Upholding structures of love that light the world
And sounding light-notes in forever streams.
We never begin and never end,
Only thread through each other and into
Nights filled with starlight and supernovas
Where we meet in our dreams.

We are the divine
Expression of love echoing through the mountains
And swimming through the sapphire oceans.
And we will always be,
Ever onwards calling each other to soar;
Only we can really hear into
That dance of soul secrets and devotions.

We are the chaos
From which comes the storms of change
And rages through all time and creation.
And we will make the mark
Only we can ever fully burn into
The blueprints of past, present and future;
Because love always wins
And its fire through us is sweet salvation.

Only we have true insights into
The paradigms and paradoxes we came to transform;
Only we may have witnessed
The darkest nights of our particular storms.
But still we sing of strength, courage, freedom
And magnified together, we will transcend;
We are God’s love. We never end.

We are dark angels,
Walking the earth on unchartered courses
And yes, darkness we have faced and seen.
But we are twin flames,
And we are each other’s unfailing anchors,
Our peace within, our light between.

Copyright Silverla StMichael 2018

Soul Songs

I guess I have expressed myself more through music lately than writing. This is a collection of some of those expressions.

I also wanted to let you all know I’m doing an Easter event on my Facebook page
As part of this on Wednesday 17th April I will be doing a live song reading session (7-8pm GMT) and a live spiritual mentoring / guidance session (9-10.30pm GMT). Please feel welcome to join me there.

Much love & blessings, Silverla. Xxx.

Those Magic Changes

Chopin’s Nocturne Op9 No2

Across The Universe

Pachelbel’s Canon in D


2019 ~ Transformation and Unity ~ Full Wolf Moon & Lunar Eclipse 21 January

Hello, dear ones. I don’t usually get overly involved in the astrology side of things, but I have known for some time through synchronicity and conversations with my soul sisters that this full moon was going to be a particularly powerful one. I know most of you have struggled on with challenging energies for some time in your lives now, with accelerated spiritual growth and awareness but high levels of challenge or “stuck-ness” in different areas of your lives. Many mystics are heralding this particular moon as a turning-point and a time that can catalyse real change and transformation in a positive way, or at the very least, set it into motion.

Much of the reason why the challenging energies are occurring is because Gaia herself, our Mother Earth, is changing in frequency. Our planet is ascending, moving to higher states of vibration, and humanity with her. The Schumann resonance, which measures the frequency of Earth, is shifting and changing and you may experience this as subtle (or not so subtle) changes in energy, biorhythms, psychic and spiritual gifts, states of consciousness, forced changes of direction or quantum leaps into new opportunities and paths in your life, or even experiencing time and multidimensionality in different ways. Many people fear and resist change, and the additional resistance causes even more energetic chaos.

You will have seen yourself how this is manifesting on a global level, with increased natural occurrences such as wildfires, floods, tsunamis, storms, earthquakes and other extreme weather events. Gaia herself is in the throes of quite physical and geographical change. This is an opportunity for lightworkers the world over to share and shine their light more than ever before. Many people have become involved in efforts to help those affected by such disasters, but we can also help in pro-active ways by focusing our energy and attention on helping Gaia herself to balance in the midst of all these changes. By having compassion for our Mother Earth and all those who live with her, upon her, within her, symbiotically, we work in unity, and working in unity creates far more positive change and transformation than working in solitude. We are being encouraged to shift to unity consciousness and radiate love, unconditional love, for everyone and everything we share existence with. Fundamentally and energetically, we are all one.

I mentioned a prediction yesterday that many of us will be reuniting and reconnecting with far more soul family this year, and that it’s already begun to happen for me reconnecting with some old friends at the start of this year. We will be crossing paths with people we thought had moved out of resonance with us, but so many people are shifting and growing energetically at exponential rates at this time, many will come back into resonance with us, and we will meet still more. The point of coming together with these people is to increase the love frequencies on the planet. When we wish to manifest something or create more of a particular energy in our lives, working together with other people of a like mind on the manifestation (and on the manifestations they wish to create, reciprocally) will bring it into being far more quickly, smoothly and powerfully than trying to do it alone.

Here on this page, I have always felt that many of you guys are soul family, extended soul family, or from other soul families of similar origin, vibration and frequency. If you resonate with my posts and my words, it stands to reason, doesn’t it? We all have our own missions here on Earth at this time, but we also have a shared mission: to bring Mother Earth back into alignment, and to bring the world back to a state of balance, harmony, unity, peace and unconditional love. And if we put love and energy into the shared mission, the Divine, and the higher beings, are grateful for us playing our part in the bigger picture, and in return will readily help us with our own individual missions and dreams. Also, of course, the shared mission is important for our survival on Earth and for bringing our world back into alignment. For those who believe in the legend of Atlantis (and/or feel they were there!) we have been at this juncture before, and failed. We now have a chance to do things differently and help the Earth and humanity ascend into beautiful, harmonious states of consciousness. And yes, it’s a long process, and yes, it is likely to benefit future generations more than our own. But it’s a crucial moment in the history of mankind. And you are here. And you are here right now for a reason.

I knew I needed to post something to pull as many people as possible together for the purposes of bringing more balance, harmony and alignment to Gaia and humanity in general, this full moon and lunar eclipse. Originally, my idea was to record a vibration-raising meditation, but life has got in the way with spanners in the works to an extent where I have realised that wasn’t what I was meant to do. I was simply meant to put these heartfelt words out there and to suggest that, at some point on January 21, when you can see the moon in the sky wherever you happen to be in the world, you take some time to focus your love and energy on the planet and on humanity as one whole unit, and pray for their more healing, balance, harmony, peace, unity and unconditional love, starting with a smooth re-alignment and assimilation of all the shifting energies of the last few years.

It would be beautiful to light a candle for this intention. You may even wish to make a little altar dedicated to Gaia. It could include natural objects such as feathers, pine cones, crystals, flowers, shells, etc, ornaments or images of angels, fairies, animals or higher beings who can help amplify your loving intentions, and anything else that represents the above vibrations to you personally. A green candle would be particularly auspicious for healing, or a pink candle to represent unconditional love, or failing those you can use a plain white or cream-coloured candle. An LED candle could be used if you prefer for fire safety. After lighting the candle, say your own prayer for your vision of a healed world. You may wish to mention specific areas of the world, specific causes or specific issues in your prayer, depending where your personal mission is focused. It would be good to take a moment, too, to close your eyes and envision it, or a symbol that represents it, drawing on other senses such as sound and feeling as well as sight. You could also envision our planet surrounded by beautiful greens, pinks, bright whites and golds, healing colours, and amplify the healing colours by generating love in your own heart. A particularly effective way of doing this is by thinking about things you love and are grateful for. For this particular ritual, try to focus your gratitudes on blessings bestowed by nature, by Gaia, and that have come your way via random acts of kindness from other people, not necessarily people you know but those “earth angels” who just happen to have been there when you needed help.

Visualise your energy linking up with everybody else focused on this piece of work. And end by saying, “This or something better now manifests for the highest good of all. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And so it is, Amen.”

It would support the energetic work to do three things over the course of the week to follow to show your love for Gaia. It could be as simple as picking up discarded pieces of litter, doing more recycling than usual, saving more electricity than usual, or doing a kindness for an animal in need. Synchronistically, we’re going to be doing the RSPB Birdwatch, which is like a census of garden wildlife, the following weekend, and if you’re in the UK you may wish to do that too. You may wish to donate to a conservation charity or disaster fund, or visit land where a wildfire or other natural disaster has occurred to bless it or meditate and send in your healing energy. You may wish to make a bigger change such as changing products that you buy to more eco-friendly products, going vegetarian or vegan (or eating more meat-free meals), or making a post yourself to spread awareness about living in season, living in more harmony with the planet, the need to take care of our Earth, or a particular environmental issue.

Many, many full moon and lunar eclipse blessings to you all, and know that I am praying too for your personal challenges, wishes, desires, dreams and manifestations, but this particular ritual which I am asking with an open heart for as many people as possible to join with, is for balance and alignment for the whole planet. Gaia is a living, breathing, entity, she is our life force, and right now at this time of great energetic shifting, she needs our support and our unconditional love. When this is done pro-actively with an open heart, it’s done from a place of love, not fear, which is infinitely more powerful, more effective, and more of a force for good. If you do participate, it would be beautiful if you would post your prayer, or some of it, or a picture of your candle, or your own blessing, or a picture of the moon itself if you get a good one, here in the original thread on the Spiritual Solace page. Let’s literally light up the world this full moon and radiate so much love that the higher frequencies can more easily anchor into our reality and create a beautiful 2019 (and beyond) for us all. ❤ ❤ ❤

Image from Pixabay

With much love from Silverla St Michael. Xxx.
Please share far and wide. Xxx.

Light Up Live and Soul Songs

I am being guided to get myself into gear and do more in the way of live spiritual sessions and Soul Songs sessions (song readings) via my Facebook page.

They will roughly be alternate weeks (with some weeks off) and this will be a flexible arrangement so it may take place on a Tuesday or Friday – occasionally on a Saturday – night.

Light Up Live will be a short healing / clearing / manifestation / activation piece with brief discussion of related spiritual topics followed by roughly 1 hour of availability for free spiritual Q&A or personal guidance.

Soul Songs is an opportunity to share a song that’s repeatedly coming up for you which I will read and pull out a deeper message for you. The request thread will usually go up a day or two before the session. On the day, I will be aiming to open the session with a brief video containing one of the readings plus guidance for all participants, or guidance regarding music / sound healing.

Both can be accessed via my Facebook page and you can also follow the Soul Songs videos on my YouTube channel (below).

Additionally, I have been working on my YouTube channel and made some older content and transformational tools which are relevant at this time, as well as all the previous run of Soul Songs sessions, available for public view:

If you’re interested in following my journey, work and/or these free opportunities to come together with like-minded souls and participate in the regular sessions, I would recommend that you like and follow my Facebook page, and like posts when you’ve read them to ensure Facebook shows you my posts regularly. I would also recommend that you subscribe to my YouTube channel so you will also get notifications of new videos on there. You can also follow all my posts via Twitter @Silverla22. Readers can contact me via Facebook page PMs, Twitter DMs, replies on this blog or – I do check them all though I sometimes do get behind with messages here and on Twitter.

Thank you as always for your continued interest and support! Silverla. Xxx.

Soul Journeys


So I have this soul connection with a person who is quite well-known in the world. It’s always been there. I met him in a dream years before I saw him for the first time in 3D reality. Then the past life visions, telepathy and lucid dreams kicked in, creating a patchwork, a path that has deepened and deepened the 5D connection. I have known things were going to happen to him or between us, in terms of crossing paths, before they happened. In dreams, we have fought battles against dark forces together shoulder to shoulder with angels, rescued each other repeatedly from desperate situations and been real and authentic with each other in terms of exploring our connection. It really has been a journey, over many years, and even now the 3D reality is no different than it has been for some time, and yet I know, and I feel, so much growth has taken place.

I’m not the only person who has such a soul connection. Whether you feel it is possible or real or not, I know that it is, because I live it. I have synchronistically crossed paths with many others in a similar situation, including people who have soul connections with famous people on the other side too, and people who have soul connections that are challenging to bring in as 3D relationships for other reasons. Some of the things I have witnessed are strange, mysterious and miraculous. I am grateful to know that such magic and such miracles exist in this world. And I am grateful for this connection that has taken me on such an incredible journey of growth and expansion, because without it, I know I would not have led such a blessed and charmed life (and that’s just so far).

Some people call these strong soul connections, the strongest soul connection there is, twin flames, or twin souls. Sometimes the label is helpful, in increasing your understanding of who you are as a soul, and what your mission, your role to play, might be on earth. Essentially, though, what really matters is how you respond to the connection, what you give to it, what you take from it, how it shapes you as a soul and a 3D person.

You may think I’m crazy to believe these things. But you’re not in it. I have this connection at soul level with somebody that tells its own story, ever evolving, ever moving forward, through the 5D telepathy and dream experiences, that I have never experienced with anybody else. The lucidity, frequency and synchronicity of those experiences has increased over the years, not faded. Even when I tried to completely ignore the connection for five whole years and do other things, make connections with other people, the dreams surfaced, and my whole spiritual path came to a standstill, and in asking how to get back off the plateau I’d hit, all the answers pointed right back to developing that twin flame connection. It took me years to learn to stop fighting it. To change my perception of it. To understand that embracing it rather than running from it, no matter whether it was emotionally difficult at times or outside of my frame of reference for what friendships and relationships should be when you look at them from a purely physical / 3D perspective, would push my soul growth into levels I could never otherwise have imagined.

Stranger still, we’re not always aware of these connections. I didn’t fully, consciously become aware of mine until I was in my late twenties (though that first dream contact came years before, in my early twenties). It’s a pattern with most twin flames that one will awaken to it before the other one, as well. I know this sounds a bit sci-fi but truly, I have learned over the years, we are multidimensional and our souls have this capability to be busy in other dimensions at different levels doing all sorts of soul work (that’s my explanation for when you wake up tired even though you’ve slept amazingly well – your soul’s been doing some hard work in the other dimensions, whether teaching, guiding, healing, battling dark forces, or whatever it happens to be).

Our souls can be busy opening ascension gateways, visiting other planets and galaxies, healing for the planet or all of humanity, downloading information from higher beings that will come into conscious awareness later, and connecting with our soul family, including our twin soul, other soul connections (both sides of life), and sometimes, non-incarnated angels too, for healing, guidance or set tasks and missions we’ve contracted to do with them, and we won’t necessarily know it. Hence the frustrating phenomenon of one twin flame knowing everything and the other knowing nothing (in some cases, not even knowing their twin flame is alive). And we have to allow for that, we have to respect that, because there may be reasons for that, and we all need to grow in whatever way is for our highest good at any one time. We get glimpses through lucid dreams, meditative visions, intuition, and so on: and the more we journal or record what we receive, the more glimpses we get, because it’s like flexing a muscle. That’s why I advocate journalling so strongly. I wouldn’t know half of what I know without it. It ends up not just being a record of the journey, but it forms into a kind of map, too, that points you sometimes in the right direction for the next piece of healing, the next step forward, the next big dream you need to pull through into 3D reality.

One such dream, for me, for many years, has been the soul-call to go to California. I have always had a thing about the USA. I have always wanted to go. I never really knew why, for many years. The first time I had conscious recall of connecting with my twin flame in 5D was a lucid flying dream in which I flew to Hollywood – I actually saw the sign as I descended back to earth – and unlocked some kind of soul-cage in which he was trapped, or that was his perception. Wherever you are connected to at soul level, you have a greater capacity to heal, both for yourself and for humanity and for the place and for the planet; I know this from my experiences visiting other places I was soul-called to – in particular, Glastonbury – which I wrote about on this blog in 2015. My longing to go to California intensified when a past life in San Francisco came up, a past life in which there were heartaches and soul wounds from chronic illness, being confined to the house, and kept apart from my twin flame. My only comfort in that lifetime was playing the piano; I’m sure it’s no coincidence that after that past life came up to conscious awareness, I finally found the courage to take up learning to play the piano, something I’ve wanted to do since I was little this lifetime. The signs and synchronicities around it went crazier and crazier over the last few years: I will often see T-shirts, posters, and so on, relating to Los Angeles and San Francisco in particular, or hear songs about California repeatedly, usually three such signs in quick succession.

As with anything worth having or doing, there were considerable obstacles and blocks to manifesting a trip to California in my 3D reality. I’m a very nervous flyer, for one thing, and it’s an interminable 10-hour minimum flight! And being footloose, single and fancy-free, with most of my local friends paired off, it’s a case of travelling alone. Then there was manifesting childcare, because as a single parent of children with special needs, I knew I couldn’t have the soul experience I’m meant to have there if I had to try and take them with me. Not to mention abundance. I have spent several years working through the fear and the perceptions that I couldn’t make it happen, writing cosmic ordering statements, praying for the trip to manifest. The strangest thing was, the guidance kicked in big-time at the start of 2018 and I just knew it was time. And then I made the clear decision to go, to make it happen. And everything fell into place in such rapid succession it really was miraculous: the childcare, getting reductions on flight prices, places to stay manifesting with online friends and friends of friends, with abundance, with advice and recommendations. I will be there on the Lion’s Gate, 8/8, which is always a healing date for me. I even had a reading in which I was told I didn’t need to worry about the flight, it would be fine!

I’m not sure of the specifics of what I’m meant to do or where I’m meant to go. A few details are sketched in: I’ll be there from the second week of August for fifteen days, based first in Venice, LA, then in Columbia, and ending with a long weekend in San Francisco. I have some set ideas in my head of certain places I want to see, hiring a car to make some trips, people I plan to meet up with. I know I need to meditate on the beach – more than one beach – and feel that it may strengthen my 5D soul connection, as my twin flame is connected to the place as well, regardless of whether he’s actually there at the same time I will be. I have places I have seen in dreams and I don’t really know where they are, but it will be interesting to see if I find them. Other than that, it’s an adventure that will unfold in whatever way the universe wants it to. I’m terrified to do this alone in a 3D sense, though I’m never really alone: that’s one thing about having strong soul connections and awareness of my guides, angels, twin flame and soul family. But I’m equally excited to do it and prove to myself that I can. One thing’s for sure: my journal will be coming with me. I’m expecting mystical experiences, big hits of guidance and spontaneous healing. And the highest, best experiences meant for me at this time.

I know it is somehow scripted already by my soul, too, from dreams of soul meetings and mystical experiences on or near a beach where sea lions roam freely. Such a beach is described in my guide to San Francisco, and I also have a friend who lives in a place called Seal Beach in LA. In my dreams it felt like the end of the earth. And maybe it will be the end of something, and of course in the same heartbeat, the beginning of something, for me. Or maybe it’s just a case of being in the right place at the right time, though for what, who knows. I find the not knowing difficult, because I’m a self-confessed control freak, but I’m learning to be more OK with it.

For many years I have envisioned that this would be the biggest journey I would ever make, the greatest leap of faith, the trip of a lifetime. And it is, in physical reality terms. However the real epic voyage, the real leap of faith, is happening internally. Already. Simultaneously, because Spirit never does anything by halves…

When I came back to this path around four years ago now, I was still fighting it. I raged against the universe, because I had made a decision years ago that what I felt about this person needed to be neatly put away and ignored so that I could be free to move forward with other connections and aspects of my romantic and personal life, because it was “impossible” to manifest it into some sort of 3D friendship or relationship – and that was painful sometimes. I thought I was being strong and sensible. So when all guidance pointed me back to it, at first, I got mad with the universe and I questioned it relentlessly. I asked “Why?” more times than I can now count, and I repeatedly asked for confirmations and validations of the connection, which came through signs, synchronicities and readings, but more so through increased, more insistent than ever, more vivid than ever, lucid dreams. They started to weave into full-on narratives that would span weeks and even months in some cases, showing me how our souls were working to wake each other up, heal each other, remove obstacles and barriers, rescue and protect each other in all sorts of situations. I had dreams in which I would be teaching rooms full of other twin flames, and equally dreams where an angel or some sort of guru would be in the room and would confirm, very clearly, for me that this soul connection was indeed my twin soul.

Some of these dreams were quite dark and harrowing. If I am to take them as real interdimensional experiences, which the vividness of them and the emotion of them and at times the tangible physicality of them (to the point it can still be felt on waking, sometimes) suggest they are, we have been through some intensely difficult things together at soul level. If I am to take them as real interdimensional experiences, then I have encountered and connected with and faced the darkest parts of my twin soul, and I still love him exactly the same – in fact, these experiences if anything have expanded my capacity to love him unconditionally (and by extension, to love unconditionally in a general sense); he is and always will be, to me, a true warrior of light.

These experiences have also allowed me to explore my soul lineage and understand that I am also a true warrior of light, connected strongly to Archangel Michael, carrying my own spiritual sword, connected with angels, mermaids and goddesses of old and with a rich tapestry of past life experiences that have made me who I am today. I’m truly coming now to a place of gratefulness for the experience of the true soul love I feel within this connection, and how it has helped me to see who I truly am. The challenges that stand in the way of bringing that connection through to physical 3D reality have really made me rise up and do things I never thought I would have the courage or confidence to do. I have learned to speak my truth and be authentic no matter whether it’s met by silence, lack of recognition, lack of understanding, or rejection. I have spoken and sung my truth, my love, the light and soul-song of my heart that is always extended to my twin soul no matter what, should he choose to draw on it for whatever he needs for his highest good. I will continue to do so as I am guided to, no matter how it is received, or even if it is received, in 3D terms, by my twin flame. He is difficult to reach in the 3D sense, though I am learning that “difficult” is not the same as “impossible”, and I have faith that my higher guidance knows what it’s doing and that what I am guided to do is always for a reason…even if I can’t see the reason. If new opportunities are brought my way, as I have before, I will seize them, and as I am consciously evolving my soul, I trust I will handle them increasingly better and from a higher level of vibration, and in the way my soul wishes me to for the highest good. I will not falter. I will not crumble. The only person I need permission from to speak my truth is myself.

It is bittersweet that I have no 3D validation or any way of knowing if I will ever see him again in 3D physical reality, other than a still, quiet voice inside that tells me not to give up and that I will, in Divine timing. I am having to journey further and further away from everything I know in terms of 3D ego, and into higher and higher levels of surrender and uncertainty in that sense, and to expand my soul as I go to stay in that blissful unconditional love, and to reach to higher and higher dimensional knowledge and wisdom to truly understand this connection, what it means for me and how it relates (or not) to my 3D life. I know from experience that we will always be there for each other in a spirit sense and connect that way, receiving guidance and synchronistic healing from each other, but that is all I know. (And it’s really only very recently that twin souls have incarnated simultaneously en masse as they seem to have in the current times, and that some have begun to come into more lasting and less star-crossed physical unions here on earth.) However, through meditation and conscious healing and once again seeking comfort and healing in the piano, I am coming to a greater sense of peace in being where I am with that, and a greater sense of compassion for myself in knowing that it’s OK sometimes if I feel sad about the difference between my 3D and 5D reality; I may be angelic, but I am living a human existence in a human world, in which attachments form and emotions arise and we are conditioned with ideas of how things should be, that actually when you start experiencing more and more of your multidimensional self and what goes on outside of physical reality, look different and unfamiliar.

We’re in transitory times in terms of the energies on earth, and moving towards new paradigms in many aspects and areas of our existence on the planet in human form: towards the veil between the 3D dimension and the other dimensions thinning; towards empowered soul-level rather than co-dependent relationships (sacred unions); towards greater levels of awareness and consciousness on an individual and collective level, which will hopefully enable us to resolve and heal many causes of suffering and live in greater harmony with each other and with the planet. Those of us awakened and awakening to the dimensions above 3D at this time are pioneers and visionaries, meant to help transform and transition. It’s important work, but to do it, we have to suspend the sense of what life should look like that we were conditioned with, and be prepared to see beyond into what it could be, the potentiality for heaven on earth.

And maybe my words and my soul-song will never change the world, no matter how lovingly or authentically or bravely I express them; maybe they will never even change my life. But they are mine, and they seek expression, and only I can express them, and so I do, and surrender the outcome to the highest wisdom.

One thing about the twin flame connection is that the more insistent, prolific and vivid it becomes in 5D, the more you just can’t look back. I am strong. I am. I’m powerful spiritually. I see myself as an incarnated goddess. But I also just really want what every girl wants: somebody to love, somebody who will love me back. At this point, though, it can’t be just anybody. Because of what I’ve seen, what I’ve experienced with my twin soul in terms of merging, intertwining, heart-telepathy, and the ability to rescue and heal each other, the ability to combine energy and go into full-on cosmic radiance. I can’t un-see or un-know any of that. So for me to fall for somebody again now, it would have to be as good as, or better than, what I have with my twin flame in 5D.

Earlier in the path I (and many others like me, I’m sure) have interpreted that as I couldn’t bear to be with anybody other than my twin flame. And it’s really not about it being “meant to be” (or not). I know from what I’ve seen in dreams that our souls are working on bringing union into every level, every dimension. I know our souls and I trust 100% that they are working on that as hard as they can. That’s all I can really know, because there are so many variables, so many levels and layers of 3D illusion and interference and connections to clear or work through or experience: and in some ways I feel I have acted as an energetic anchor for him, which up to now has worked better with me distanced from his 3D world. I think now I’m interpreting things more as for me to be able to accept a 3D relationship, it would have to nurture and nourish my growth like my soul connection does, it would have to give me similar feelings and vibrations as I feel when I connect with my twin flame in 5D. The thing is, I think that’s pretty rare and special. I’m not sure it can be replicated, though I’m open to being proved wrong.

More and more and most of all, I’m trying to look at it as an adventure. Approaching it that way, I can expand, I can grow, I can fly, I can soar, without being attached to any one particular outcome in 3D, or equally, being attached to any pre-conceived ideas about what’s “impossible” in 3D, because truly nothing is impossible; that’s a mental construct, an illusion. When you believe you have hard limits, you can never be free. And I need to be free for my trip to California. It’s honestly a date with my soul – a time for deep healing, a time for getting closure, integrating, and getting glimpses of what will present next for me. And in the meantime, I can have the privilege and the blessing of touching other twin flames, other spiritual souls, with my story, and inspire them with what I dare to do. I have known many others who identify as twin flames and one thing we all have in common is that none of us have an easy road. We all have that steep learning curve, we all have that epic journey to make and we are all prepared to walk the path even if our feet bleed, even if our hearts bleed, even if we stumble and fall. Repeatedly.

And I’m proud that my journey is unique and authentic. It may not be a “happy ever after” right now. It may never be. But it’s mine, and it’s real, and it’s raw, and I can see the trajectory of growth it has taken me on and continues to take me on. I can see it’s a path worth walking, a mountain worth climbing, even when it gets rocky and gnarly and darkness descends around me. There may not be a road-map, but my heart is my unfailing internal compass, if I can just keep listening to it.


Maybe my heart has to be strong for things yet to come, things I can’t yet see. Maybe it has to have a capacity for unconditional love that is extraordinary. There’s a reason for everything, so I know this connection is not for nothing, even if it only filters into 3D waking consciousness on my side. I have faith in that, and I’m sticking to it. And I pray for his happiness and healing, as well as mine.

On this journey, much like my journey to California this summer, you never really know what is around the corner. It makes me think of my favourite poem by Robert Frost, which I have lived by since I first heard it quoted in one of my favourite films, Dead Poet’s Society, along with the message of “carpe diem: seize the day”, which I am well and truly embracing more than I ever have before.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

The two journeys intertwine and interplay with each other, too: the 3D journey and the 5D journey. It’s taken me a while to come to this level of clarity but it’s no coincidence that as I take this key physical journey that’s been important to me for many years, I’m also taking this unprecedented soul journey to who knows where. Sometimes the lines between the two feel blurry to me, and yet I know the two look and feel different. They can be fluid and yet sharp at the same time. The 5D reality imprints on us at conscious level sometimes through our dreams, intuitions and spontaneous visions in meditation. For most of us, the 3D reality imprints more, because we don’t need to get out of our ego and into our soul to access it.

Maybe part of the journey is about the union between the two. Maybe that’s what twin flames are truly here to do. Maybe, eventually, as humanity evolves, what we now experience in 5D – at the level of unconditional love, unity consciousness, heart-centred awareness and miracle frequency – is meant to become one more and more with our physical reality, and life will feel even more real, even more amplified. Maybe that explains the intensity in energy many people have reported experiencing lately. We’re all in unchartered territory – it’s not just me. It’s not even just spiritually awakened souls – great numbers of people are feeling the shifting. That unchartered territory, that challenge, that learning curve, may look different for each one of us. But every step we each take matters. Every step we each take is progress. That’s evolution. That’s ascension. And that’s where all of our journeys are ultimately headed.

The road ahead may not be smooth, but I have spirit. I have courage. I have faith. I have fire. I have all of these as well as unconditional love in my heart, and they are magnified when I wield them in the name of my twin flame, in the name of love, in the name of God.

So as my California dreaming turns into my California reality this summer, no matter what else: I know that from it I will grow, I will evolve, I will become a clearer, brighter, richer version of myself (again) – and I don’t just mean from the courage to fly halfway around the world alone, to drive across unknown terrain alone, and to face goodness knows what demons await me there, as well as (I hope) whatever it is that’s magnetising me there, that mystery, that unknown. I stand strong and ready for whatever life throws at me next, wherever the next curve (or curveball!) takes me in terms of that internal journey, that spiral ever upwards. And I know that if I can do this (and I CAN do this), I can do anything. And maybe it’s important that I know that, for whatever is to come.

And I urge you to live your life by the same rules…or lack of them. If you dare. And, especially those readers who are twin flames too, you may find that if you don’t dare just for yourself, you may dare when you come to a fuller realisation that your soul growth is also for your twin soul and your soul family: for love of them, you may dare to seize the day more fully than you ever have and embrace your unique, individual adventure.

I don’t know where either of these soul journeys are leading, the 3D trip or the 5D relationship. I’m slowly starting to learn that it’s OK not to know. The journey itself is beautiful. What I receive in 5D through this soul connection is beautiful. The fact that I can transcend fears and perceived limits and be free to go wherever I feel called to, do whatever I feel called to do, in the world, is beautiful. Letting go of particular 3D outcomes has been difficult, but I feel like I’m getting there: getting to a place where it’s OK to not know what direction I will take next, what destination I will reach next, what experience will present for me next. That’s true surrender.

To make the most of the journey – any journey – we need to be fully present in the moment. We need to be in our power, our integrity, our light, our strength and our courage to be able to embrace the next twist, turn or opportunity – even the ones that seem scary and push us out of our comfort zone. So that is exactly where I intend to be this summer and quite probably beyond: in the still point, in my soul, in my heart, in my truth, in my power and fully in the now…and ready to embrace whatever comes my way from the highest expression of myself I can embody at this time. And I’m not saying I’m perfect; I stumble and fall as much as the next person, but I’m determined to keep picking myself up.

Be ever wilder, ever more free, ever more courageous, and ever more authentic in the desires you express to others, to God and the universe and in the truth that you speak – and expect ever more blessings and miracles to come your way. And be ever more aware of what’s presenting in front of you, in the true place of power, the now moment, both in 3D and 5D. Because if you’re only looking at one and not the other, you only have half a map: the 3D is what we have currently manifested, as individuals and as a collective, in physical reality here on earth, but the 5D reveals what our souls are guiding us towards, what we are truly capable of in our true power and magnificence as incarnate beings of light, what the miraculous potential is for each of us individually and together if we can learn to look beyond 3D limits. It’s not always pretty, and with changes and shifts always comes a time of storms and chaos, as well as deep healing, purging, transformational journeys – but they push us ever onward towards higher, purer, more unconditionally loving levels of existence.

This is where the journey is ultimately leading us, whatever journeys you are currently on or being called to make. Listening to your soul and taking those trips, those soul sojourns, those leaps of faith, always has a purpose both for yourself and for humanity, though the purpose may not always be immediately apparent. Especially when you’re afraid to take them, or enter into them ever more deeply, regardless of what they bring up for you to heal.

This I have faith in. This I believe. This I trust. This is the higher wisdom I surrender to.

I am sure I am headed in the right direction, even though I know that the right direction is susceptible to change at any given moment, as my soul grows and expands and its capacity to hold and radiate light and unconditional love exponentially increases. That’s a good place to be.

It’s a time for expanding horizons and experiencing more than ever before, both at soul level and in a literal sense. And I don’t know about you, but for me, the road less travelled by is a good place to start – it cries out to be explored, to have people who are conscious and aware to surrender its secrets to, because it’s in discovering the new that we evolve, that we move forward, that we grow, that we ascend. The call of the wild, the call of the road less travelled, the soul-call to the places we’re soul-connected to, truly, is the call home, to ourselves, to our souls, to God.


May all your journeys be blessed with magic and miracles, this summer and beyond, and may you all have the courage to follow your soul’s call and your internal compass to arrive at whatever destinations destiny has lined up for you. And thank you, once more, for walking part of my path with me, for however long you have and may continue to do so. I love you all infinitely.

Copyright Silverla StMichael 2018
Images from Pixabay

Dark Angels

We are dark angels,
Numbered amongst the Valkyrie warriors
And the high archangelic choirs.
We have chasmic depths
Only we can truly see into,
And heights as tall as cathedral spires.

We are soul bound,
To weave parallel lines through all of eternity
And break humanity out of timeless chains.
We have limitless power
Only we can ever feel into,
And an endless soul-song of healing refrains.

We are gate-keepers,
Ancient mer-folk who knew secrets of old
And guard cosmic gates of ascension.
We have divine directives
Only we can really tune into,
And lead others into ever higher dimensions.

We are destiny itself,
A unified knowing, blazing, map in motion
And even time surrenders its secrets to us.
We have unconditional love
Only we can merge and blend into,
And wield with incendiary hearts, victorious.

We are the harmony
Upholding structures of love that light the world
And sounding light-notes in forever streams.
We never begin and never end,
Only thread through each other and into
Nights filled with starlight and supernovas
Where we meet in our dreams.

We are the divine
Expression of love echoing through the mountains
And swimming through the sapphire oceans.
And we will always be,
Ever onwards calling each other to soar;
Only we can really hear into
That dance of soul secrets and devotions.

We are the chaos
From which comes the storms of change
And rages through all time and creation.
And we will make the mark
Only we can ever fully burn into
The blueprints of past, present and future;
Because love always wins
And its fire through us is sweet salvation.

Only we have true insights into
The paradigms and paradoxes we came to transform;
Only we may have witnessed
The darkest nights of our particular storms.
But still we sing of strength, courage, freedom
And magnified together, we will transcend;
We are God’s love. We never end.

We are dark angels,
Walking the earth on unchartered courses
And yes, darkness we have faced and seen.
But we are twin flames,
And we are each other’s unfailing anchors,
Our peace within, our light between.

Written with love on 26th March 2018
Copyright Silverla StMichael

Image from Pixabay