
Hello Dear Readers!

Apologies for my recent writer’s block. This is a busy time of year for me in real life, and there is less time to indulge my spiritual quest.

However, the main reason I have been absent is an unexpected change of path, and this must lead to changes around my blog.

For a number of years now I have walked an Eclectic Pagan path. I have enjoyed, learned and been enriched through this. I have learned that magick is real, that we can indeed influence our destiny with conscious co-creation; I am still learning how to live in season, and how to truly absorb the healing and loving energies of nature, of our Mother Earth.

But still, something didn’t quite feel right for me. I have struggled for many years with one particular lesson: how to relinquish control. In the Law of Attraction, there is a key stage in manifestation that I never quite mastered – LETTING GO. Despite using the mantra “Let go, let God”; despite trying every which way I might to trust the universe to deliver my wishes in the right way for my highest good; I still found myself stressing out repeatedly about the hows, whens, whys and wherefores of manifesting my needs, goals and heart’s desires. With the effect that things would manifest, but usually in a slightly different way, with added complications or obstacles, than I had intended.

I have always wanted my path to be one of service, one of love. An angelic path to go with an angelic heart. A mystical path to go with a mystical mind.

I think my problem was feeling I had to label it.

I have been helped to overcome this problem by the greatest teacher to have walked the earth: Christ. Days before I was due to attend a BSSK Mind, Body and Spirit event in April, he came to me in a dream. I have dreamed about Jesus before, but not for some time. I resonated closely with the energy of Jesus during my Christian upbringing. In the dream, he appeared angry at first – perhaps angry is not the right word, perhaps more confused or frustrated at my choices, for he was still exuding kindness and understanding and above all love – he is of course a being of the purest love. He spoke to me, though I didn’t remember the words upon waking. It touched me deeply. At the BSSK event, I attended a workshop devoted to awakening the higher heart chakra, in which we worked with none other than Jesus. During the meditation, I saw him approach before the workshop leader brought him in. He placed one hand on my third eye and the other on my crown; meantime I felt Archangel Michael, my constant protector and guide, place calming hands on my shoulders, wings around them touching my heart. They were healing me – freeing me of this need to control. Putting the final piece in place in that jigsaw and completing that lesson. After the workshop I also felt drawn to purchase a Christ aura spray, which I have been working with ever since. Even the lady at the stall saw my aura after using the spray and commented that I had found what I needed right now.

Three linked events, to me, is not a coincidence: it’s a sign. It took weeks for me to assimilate the lesson and the healing. I knew that Paganism was no longer the right path for me – not in isolation. Neither was Christianity – of course, I had already found that, years ago. I had been attracted for some time to interfaith webpages and communities and my realisation has been that I am on my own spiritual path, interfaith in every way, seeing beauty and wisdom in all faiths and no faiths. The higher beings – angels, guides and ascended masters – do not see division of faith. They see only faith. They do not see right paths or wrong paths. They see only paths. They see from a higher perspective – one of pure love. In reality, there is only one’s own path. There is only one’s own truth. There is only love. And our paths spiral inwards, like a labyrinth, from our outer learning to our inner soul – our link while incarnate to our higher self. For some, one particular path is right for their soul’s learning; for others, it is right to explore the path of atheism and complete self-sufficiency; for others still, the path is personal and assimilates learning from many sources.

Since these events, I have felt peace and love like I have never known. I have had the energy to be more of service than ever. I have felt closer to the angels, and awakened a connection with the Ascended Masters – those souls such as Jesus who have ascended from earthly existence and now act as heavenly guides to those still on earth. While I wouldn’t say I have no stress, I certainly have an assurance that all will come right in the end, and that I can indeed trust. I can indeed let go.

I have focused my energies into the Spiritual Solace FB page during this time, and now I feel I can come back here and resume writing.

Of course, thisĀ  blog needs to grow and evolve along with its author, hence the name and energy change.

I will continue to update the Season by Season section, but incorporating more than just Pagan festivals. The posts will now be about a much wider journey, and may still include magical inspirations, but also meditations, prayers, mystical experience. I will start up the Archangel and Crystal additions when I have time. I have re-named the Pages section as “A Labyrinth of Lessons”. They are different than the posts I make out here. The posts are more about sharing the journey, sharing experience, and sharing spiritual tools that may help others find solace, magick, power and peace. The pages are crystallised chunks of my learning from years of experience – free lessons to all readers who may need them.

Angel blessings to all of you!

Silverla. Xxx.